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Flash Tuner For Plus T


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there's a lot more involved than just a tune, though :) hopefully the OP can share some more information and we can get more of an idea of what's going on...

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  • Member For: 16y 6m 9d

I have been running my plus t with an adjustable rising rate fpr and an a/f Guage..so is there a flash tuner that would be sufficient without dynamic time..I would need the correct hardware of course..the right map sensor etc

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  • Member For: 16y 10m 23d
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Factory boost control will require a factory turbo ECU (has another plug).

Putting a replacement ECU in a relatively new model Ford is difficult - not to say that it can't be done... the replacement ECU must match your model (e.g. BF1 T56 manual sedan) and be coded up to match your current car's electrical configuration by Ford (or somebody with Ford's hardware)

The XCal3 or XCal4 "SCT" product you're probably trying to reference is the handheld device that allows you to switch between multiple "tunes" on the fly.

If you get it tuned with HP Tuners (or other programs) you don't get the ability to swap the tune so easily.

All of these "swappable" or "non-swappable" tunes will require dyno tuning - PM or call a site sponsor in your area and they'll be able to sort that out for you. This is 100% necessary as getting a "generic" or "plug-in" tune can be very dangerous and expensive (broken engines/turbo's/gearboxes).

The thing with most good tuners is they may not tune your car if it's not "set up" correctly for making power (e.g. if the conversion from N/A to T is incomplete).

The rising rate will quickly make your fuel pump lean out - so don't do that at all - leave the factory fuel regulator in place. Upgrade the injectors and MAP sensor AT the tuner as it may not drive at all with replaced injectors and/or MAP sensor. The fuel pump can be replaced before going to the tuner.

An AFR gauge is unlikely to get you any decently useful information (it'll just be a light show) if it's not an expensive wide-band replacement one (new bung and sensor installed into your dump pipe) as the factory oxygen sensor is "narrow-band" hence it's not in a useful voltage range for a gauge - it's only useful to the ECU.

There are more issues to tackle, also...

Have a read of the "sticky" posts in this section about going from N/A to Turbo for more information ->


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  • Member For: 16y 6m 9d

I have been running the adjustable rate of gain fuel regulator and wideband sensor for over 6 months now...running up too ten psi with external..I now have a factory turbo and manifold too go on.. (current set up just welded flange too factory manifold..as you do)mixture control at the moment is not perfect but I keep it rich if anything..if a flash tuner can communicate with my ecu I am prepared too try it as I can make.sure mixtures are good..has to be better than what I have now especially considering timing control which I don't have..I have a spare engine which cost next too nothing..I'm very surprised I haven't needed it, even had the downpipe red hot..so will a sct tuner load the tune if I wire in a turbo map sensor..one guy reckons he already done it but really?

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