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Soundbar Magic ?


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So most of you around here are well aware of my love for Sonos and its convenience and ease of use. One thing that's always bugged me though was having to physically go find the remote for my AV receiver and turn that on first then change the input...THEN start playing Sonos (#firstworldproblems).

Was looking at different options and chatting to the guys at the HiFi store I used to work at about what they tend to use these days etc and their recommendation was a product called 'Push Controls', which is all Wi-Fi control through an app on your phone or tablet etc...but it's expensive, like they start at $1,700 (I'd get a fairly sizeable discount, but still expensive). I can see the appeal if you've got 'connected' lights and blinds etc, but couldn't justify it for I wanted it for.

So I did a bit more research and reading and ended up buying myself a Logitech Harmony Elite universal remote system. Paid $329 for it, for which you a universal remote with a touchscreen, the hub system to connect to your Wi-Fi network and run everything, charging cradle for the remote and extra IR blasters in case you need them (I needed to position one to get my Xbox One to work properly). It's also got an app on your phone that can control everything too!

So I spent a bit of time setting it all up and programming it yesterday and I'm pretty stoked. Can now open the app on my phone and select my "listen to living room Sonos" activity and it turns my amp on, sets it to the right input and starts playing my favourite Google play radio station, all from one button press on my phone. Have also setup similar single button activities for watching tv and playing Xbox. It'll turn the tv on and set the right input, turn the amp on and set the right input and turn the Xbox on.

I'm a convert, saves me wanting to buy a newer amp for the same functionality this has given me. Fairly certain I can also control things remotely when I'm away from the house...so could randomly turn music on when my GF is home and I'm on site haha.



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  • All stock bar the k&n panel filter
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That works well for the playbar and sub setup (like yours) I've got in my bedroom, but not my threatre setup, unfortunately.

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Yep - love the Harmony.


Got mine controlling the aircon and robo vac as well as all the usual suspects.


Got the Sub for the Sonos yesterday - definitely adds body the audio.

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stripes you lazy bugger


I dont mind turning receiver on, chuck in dvd, by the time I sit down the tv switches to dvd and receiver already on surround sound input.


that's like 2 buttons to press lel

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  • All stock bar the k&n panel filter
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  • Member For: 12y 11m 25d
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  • Location: Perth

Hahaha old school (WORD! #simpsons4lyf)l! I do still like something about Blu-Ray's...but I mostly stream stuff these days.

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