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Ba Xr6T 2004 Mk11


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  • Member For: 10y 6m 21d

im doing a trade tomorrow and im getting a ba 2004 mk11 xr6t with factory sunroof,leather premium sound. has spot on paint and pretty low 150k km. stock other than bigger cooler and a tune making 250rwkw. now just wondering what it be worth to sell if I was to sell it after the trade. if its worth not that much ill keep it and put the misses in it and keep the fg xr6t for a project down the track. silver in colour has stock rims the lot.

regards kane

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  • Member For: 10y 6m 21d

yeah that's what I was hoping. I swapped it for unfinished project that id pumped alot of cash into. this thing will most likely sit in the shed until I have cash down the track. wouldnt mind 400rwkw weekend toy as the misses wont let me mod the fg xr6t..I should swap her cars. even though I own both :)

its in really good condition according the bloke,guess ill find out tomorrow.

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  • Member For: 10y 6m 21d

yep care is very tidy. all the leather is really good only minimal wear on the driver bolster. wouldnt mind getting few new plastics for inside that have broken cl;ips but nothing at all major im just fussy. ill put some photos up tomoz. rims have gutter rash but if I keep it some mc racing staggereds will be getting slotted on. paint is good couple little marks but all round prob a solid 9 outta 10 for its age. really like the feel of the ba actually. so smooth in the ass compared to my clunky fg(obviously because my diff bushes 110% f-ed in the fg) but at least now the fg can be off the road for few days to be maintained as its the bushes have been rooted for few months now.

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  • Member For: 10y 6m 21d

I also noticed the xr6t has dual zone climate control but the premium sound must have had the rear speakers and sub/amp removed and replaced with aftermarket stuff as it has power and earth wires for sub and amp and stuff in the boot. would it be hard to find the original stuff to re fit or would I better off just replacing with decent aftermarket sub and parcel shelf speakers

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  • Member For: 10y 6m 21d

Bad news I think, I started it this morning and oil light come on and was beeping so shut it down. Played around with oil pressure switch and then started again and it was all good. Noticed now and it wasn't doing it yesterday is it's blowing blue smoke Id idle and low rpms clears once accelerating. So rings ya think

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  • Member For: 11y 3m 16d
  • Gender: Male
  • Location: Brisbane

Compression test will tell you if its rings but I doubt the two symptoms are related as Ralphage said.

Have you checked to see how much oil is sitting in your turbo? If you take off an intake pipe does it still blow smoke? Not a 100% test coz pretty sure they can leak straight into the turbine side as well.

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  • Member For: 10y 6m 21d

Well I did notice there was bit of shaft play but not heaps. I just thought maybe if the oil pressure actually is low and me fiddling with the switch has done something to it which made the light go out,when in actual fact it is low and me driving it today has f*cked the rings by having low oil pressure. And there was a little sitting in the mouth of the turbo yesterday when I pulled all pipes off to tighten exhaust manifold studs

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