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Fg Xr6T Leaking Timing Cover Repair?


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  • Member For: 12y 6m 14d

Ok I no its usual for the timing cover to leak due to the bolts being to long Jst wanting some advice from ppl who hav tackled the problem more so what needs to be removed to get to all the bolts are they all to long an will it need a new seal I've got a oil change coming up but sort of dnt want it to be a all day mission so any advice I'll take onboard cheers

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  • Member For: 12y 9m 18d
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mine is a ba series 1, rocker cover off and fans out, pull the balancer, and take off the belt tensioner and idler,mine has a seal but I understand the later motors have a chemical seal (goop) but I would replace the rocker cover gasket and plugtube seals at the same time.The balancer will need a special puller to get off so make sure you have access to one first

Cheers Jay

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  • Member For: 17y 11m 27d

What is the best way to loosen and tighten the crank pulley bolt on a ZF equipped auto FG?

Is it like the BTR auto where you remove the transmission bell housing inspection plate or is there a port to lock the drive plate / flywheel with a large flat head?

Then breaker bar and some shoulder. Same to tighten also?

Edited by crazyxa
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  • Moar Powar Babeh
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There is a small inspection cover (the same one used to remove the TC to Flexplate bolts) you could use or just pop the start off and use a small piece of angle iron the lock the flexplate.

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  • Member For: 17y 11m 27d

Does ba xr6t have a seal for timing cover? I was told that they don't and its the fg has a seal. How long would it take to change?

All depends on how long it takes you to remove the crank bolt and pulley. With the right tools probably 2hrs max. Someone who does them all the time even less. Note I am assume

Ing the timing cover does not need to be removed to remove the front crank seal.

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