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Desperately Need Help - New Built Engine With Strange Sound.


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I spoke to Daryn not long ago. Despite all of hie efforts, he could not find the source, or rectify the harmonics issue. From what I gather, the only thing to have changed proior to noise, was the cylinder head. 


So, Daryn has been running the car, and when I say running, I'm talking over 1,500 rwhp. So far, no obvious problems. Daryn did say that he will be pulling the engine down soon, for inspection. It will be interesting to see if he finds any abnormalities..

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So, I know this is old but I encountered this exact same noise this week.

Installed a solid tensioner as I have had a couple of issues with the hydraulic units.

Started it up and just had the horrible racket around 3000rpm.

As mentioned in this thread, I could tune it up or down with the tensioner, and almost got rid of it by having the chain so tight that it would have worn everything else out in 5 minutes.

Took the solid tensioner out and the noise went away. Pretty disappointed in the tensioner to be honest.

I think @JETURBO is spot on with the analysis of how the tensioner works, and I also believe that the tensioner floats with the guide and takes up the slack that way.

Just my 2c on it

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