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Desperately Need Help - New Built Engine With Strange Sound.


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The engine ran for three days, before the intake valves smashed into the pistons and cracked the head casting.

^^^ why did this happen ? ^^^

What base tune is in the car ?

What cams ?

How much crush ?

And VCT is 100% locked out ? ( so not working )

What * were they locked to ?

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  • Member For: 18y 9m 7d
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The engine ran for three days, before the intake valves smashed into the pistons and cracked the head casting.

^^^ why did this happen ? ^^^

What base tune is in the car ?

What cams ?

How much crush ?

And VCT is 100% locked out ? ( so not working )

What * were they locked to ?

I think, that it is best that I stand aside here, as Daryn is best qualified to answer these questions. I believe that his reply will be some time this afternoon.

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  • Gold Donating Members
  • Member For: 16y 9m 1d
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Yeh lets guess every possible situation until we get an answer


How bout some further info as a solid base suggestions are out there already

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  • Member For: 18y 9m 7d
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Yeh lets guess every possible situation until we get an answer


How bout some further info as a solid base suggestions are out there already


I am not shirking your questions. I have no knowledge of these, so I have asked the owner to supply this information. He will reply to them this afternoon..

Like many of us forum members, he is a very busy man. I am just trying to cover more potential sources, and have more questions waiting for him.

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This is very similar to the conclusion we've come to. Something completely unrelated to the timing chain is causing a harmonic and it just happens to be that the timing chain is what is turning the vibration into a noise and thus, creating the allusion that the timing chain is the issue.

When you are standing in front of the car and it makes the noise, you'd swear it was the chain rubbing on the tappet cover, but it's not. I'm 100% sure it's not rubbing anywhere.

We really appreciate everyone's input on the matter and we're just hoping someone has witnessed a similar situation and it can be an easy fix before we pull the engine down completely and start again. I should have started the thread myself but didn't want it to look like I was defaming the engine builder but it appears everyone knows who we're talking about anyway.

Auto or manual

We had a similar noise with our Nizpro engine in exactly the same rev range. There seems to be a resonance at that RPM that amplify noises. For us it ended up being exhaust related , but took ages to diagnoses as it definitely appeared to be coming from the engine. SO this noise may NOT be actually coming from the engine. Noise travels strangely through different components and metals.

Very hard to diagnose from the short video.

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  • Member For: 11y 2m 6d

The engine ran for three days, before the intake valves smashed into the pistons and cracked the head casting.

^^^ why did this happen ? ^^^

What base tune is in the car ?

What cams ?

How much crush ?

And VCT is 100% locked out ? ( so not working )

What * were they locked to ?

The timing chain jumped teeth due to the tentioner failing. (Not naming brands but it wasn't a cheap tensioner)

It's now a solid tensioner so it can't fail again.

The tune is the same as when it came off the dyno last time. Although we did have to pull quite a bit of fuel out of it to make it idle properly with the new head.

Cams are "very big". Maybe 310degrees of duration and 15mm lift. I can't recall exact specs at the moment.

The only thing that has really changed from before to now is the head casting. There was no hint of the noise previously, but now it's very audible. The video doesn't do it justice. It's not good.

All the lash adjustments are right, can journal clearances are right, the sprockets have all been replaced and have been checked to make sure they're running true etc.

thanks for your input.

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  • Gold Donating Members
  • Member For: 16y 9m 1d
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  • Location: Adelaide

A solid tensioner ?

So no hydraulic fluctuations......

I bet at a specific rpm your chain/guides have a harmonic spazz and the tensioner is passing that onto the timing chain cover and areas

Swop it out for a stock item ( its quick enough to do ) and see what happens

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