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Engine Dropping Cylinders Any Help Appreciated

Barbwire 57

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My opinion FWIW

If you're getting it tuned and going to run a decent amount of power you'll have to build the BTR eventually

T56 will hold the power without dramas but you'll have to spend on a clutch - standard one wouldn't last too long

Plus obviously swap out the box, there's a few on here that have done it with good info in their threads, maybe check that out first

No idea what would work out cheaper, depends on how you value your time I guess

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How much do you want that particular vehicle? It may be cheaper to sell it and buy a car with a factory fitted T56.

I'd stay with the BTR. It really depends on how much power you are chasing though. They aren't that bad but if you're going to thrash your car and break it chances are it won't be the only thing to go bang.

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DUDE!!!! For the love of god please stop driving your car! lol

You need to speak to Rob @ Monsta Torque and see what he thinks of what you've done! As others have said these cars are completely different to old school jap cars...you can't skimp on mods and actually very surprised your car hasn't blown up so far. If I've read this correctly you have changed injectors, actuator and full exhaust? This will be mean extreme overboost situations and possibly already done damage if you've given it a hard time :/

Please ring Monsta Torque or XFT (I personally think MT puts more effort in; especially if you're not spending massive $$$). More than likely you will need a X3 or X4 SCT tuner (both will sell them new for around $700) or you can get lucky and buy them second hand (but device must be UNLOCKED/ UNMARRIED)...they also might not like your injectors (I think 60lbs dekas are usable, 80lbs are harder to get idle right, then their 1000cc injectors are the best for overall tune). You will need around $1700 to fix and tune the hardware you have got....may need wastegate port & larger flapper mod (because larger dump pipe) and probably valve springs due to age/kms travelled...which is around $1100 or $1200 each job!

But speak to a professional ASAP!

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247 and its life has just began.






DEKA 60-87LBS INJECTORS (To be installed if necessary)

that's about it really all the other bullsh*t has just been bolt on bolt off process of elimination

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247 and its life has just began.






DEKA 60-87LBS INJECTORS (To be installed if necessary)

that's about it really all the other bullsh*t has just been bolt on bolt off process of elimination

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247 thousand? That is a lot.

The tuner is well within his rights to turn down the work if he's not confident the car will last. Saves you dollars and him a bad rep when the car goes bang and he inevitably gets blamed for an old, worn engine failing.

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Wait, you're running all that extra boost on standard injectors?????

It is very surprising it lived this long. It'll be super lean and probably pinging its head off. Or maybe you've been lucky as hell and have a boost leak that saved the motor.

Who told you this was a good idea?

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Yes I know where he is coming from that's ok. I havnt been beating up on it . And its not pinging ever and found that it drives quite nicely just resting on the throttle. I understand that it would be running a little lean that's why I got the bigger injectors here to go in when it gets tuned. I have tried them in as is but just belches out the black fuel smoke so I put others back in until tune. Are the x3 or x4 flash tuners òptional tuneing to suit mods or can you only download complete tunes to them through software

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