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Bf Xr6 Turbo Manual Conversion


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Hey guys I'm new to this whole forum thing. First of all I haven't got the largest amount of car experience as I'm 16 but I'm getting my Ps soon and I have a bf xr6 turbo. It's a 6 speed automatic and I'm going to convert it to manual, does anyone know any broad guesses on price for the conversion? Cheers.

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Welcome, I'm pretty sure it is not legal for you to drive one in any state of Australia.

Being only 16 have you considered something less powerful at least until you get

your opens. ? Get some experience first IMO.

A lot of car given your experience and very easy to come unstuck as many have found out..

Just sayin

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Hey Buf-phoon, I understand what you're trying to say but it is legal to have a turbo car diesel or not in Western Australia. Also I'm a drifter so I CAN handle a powerful car, as I've got a s13 with an rb25 in it pulling nearly twice as many horses as my xr6 so after learning this could you help me out with the topic?? Cheers

Edited by Fenrir
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If you can find a box and all the accessories out of a wrecked car I've seen a few on gumtree for $1500-$2000 lately usually with standard clutch which will sh*t itself in ten minutes If you actually give it any sh*t. Then you will need to get the ecu flashed to a manual tune obviously after its all together.

Edit: any pics of s13?

Edited by eff xr6t
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Hey man, thanks for the reply, I'll have to have another look on gumtree as last time I couldn't find anything out of a bf xr6 turbo. I'm in WA also so I would have different results to you. I can send you photos of the s13 if you want, how do you want me to get them to you?

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I'm in the same boat.. in WA, I have a T56 out of a BF turbo, I got the box, rear mount, drive shaft, pedal box console cover and boot gear knob and pretty much everything else I needed for $1500 (except the PCM). Then I picked up a lightflywheel and clutch kit for $500, I've upgraded the pedal box to have the pedals raise and lower as per Territory/Ghia... I'm going a little bit further than you though as I'm upgrading every loom in the car to BF while I'm at it. already done both sides and rear looms (put BF fairmont Ghia looms in).

I actually plan to use my VCM to change a factory BF fairmont PCM to a typhoon manual PCM, by interupting it's inhale so it prompts me for the code to exhale manually.... I just need to find a BF PCM with the same hardware numbers as the typhoon and I'll be trying that.. (ABU-251 I think)

If you want to drive it somewhere and have it all done for you.. it will cost.. but you can get some of that back by selling your ZF (the 6 speed auto) If you are lucky enough to get everything you need for 1500 and you get the PCM with it.. then it's mostly a bolt in affair.. but the loom will require some mods as the T56 has a reverse lockout solenoid and stuff... other than that, easier for you than me.


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