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Diy Tuning

Ralph Wiggum

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Need abit of help gents as I haven’t got time to go searching through multiple threads for an answer. Need to do an auto to manual conversion on a fg n/a pcm so looking for exactly which tables will need to be changed to suit or is it easier to flash a manual tune straight in?  Car is a mates for burnouts was previously a 5spd but they sh*t themselves constantly so he converted it to a manualised btr but cant get anyone to disable the auto settings.


would rather do the changes to the tune in the car so I don’t have to license another file on a possibility of it not working. PCMTEC is the software ?

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With our software you can do a compare of an auto and manual file, then use this information to see what tables and scalars need changing. Otherwise it is easier to just flash a manual file in that is of the same OSID and vehicle type (eg don't use a file from a ute in a sedan or you will have ABS comms faults etc).


If you use PCMTEC then you can use the calibration merge tools to merge the VIN/Serial from your existing licensed file into another calibration that is manual (ensure it is the same OSID eg you merge HACCKGA -> HACCK**) and you won't have to re-license the file.


Is the vehicle already licensed with PCMTEC ?

Edited by rollex
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Vehicle isn’t licensed yet I’ve only said I’ll go help today as he’s desperate to get it done and couldn’t find anyone else to help. Don’t know the OSID yet will have to check when I go out there.. are they printed on the label on the pcm? I can get him to check that way can try find a matching manual file if you have one.


Vehicle is a Ute and being 5spd I’m guessing fg mk1


Also thanks for the quick reply mate

Edited by eff xr6t
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The internal version is but we haven't released anything yet. There is a forum thread which if you subscribe to you will know as soon as it's ready. 

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Am currently tuning my own car and was wondering if anyone could help me out / point me in the right direction in regards to ZF tuning.
Have got all the engine tuning sorted out (HP Academy was very helpful for bulk knowledge gain in short amount of time !)


I've started by flashing the FGX sprint ZF tune. From that I have raised the line pressures by that of 10%. Also have reduced slip time by 20% and added a little extra torque reduction in the high load sections.


Anyone able to chime in (or PM me) if this seems like a reasonable or bad approach, or what you would suggest? I can’t find any example ZF tunes online so would appreciate any help!



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I think you'll find that any tuning information is a big secret when it comes to tuning the ZF, but there's alot more to it than adjusting line pressures, etc.

Alot of it is trial and error with your own ZF if tuning yourself, lots of logging and seeing how it responds.

There's some information in the HP tuners forums that are related to the ZF and 6R80 platforms, so have a read.

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