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Diy Tuning

Ralph Wiggum

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I've got like 20 of everything, I don't think there's a combo I haven tuned now so I'll see what I can do for you mate :giverose:

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  • Member For: 11y 4m 13d

So going to add this here since it goes with diy tuning on my car.

Has anyone flowed there brand new injectors before installing them? Flowed my new set of 2200cc injectors yesterday to get a baseline for when they block up next time and came up with quite a bit of difference for what are meant to be "flow matched".


6 on the left are 2200cc 2 on the very right that can only just see are 800cc.

This isn't only this brand of injectors, have flowed even a brand new set of Injector dynamics 1000 that weren't 1% off like claimed. Also swapped injectors around in the tester rail with little change.

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Yes they are all the same. The 2200cc are not injector dynamics brand just to be clear.

The id1000 that we flowed were a mates unsure if he contacted them. We just match the flow to which cyl was hottest then used individual cyl trim and egt to get them the same. But obviously cannot do that with stock ecu so curious if anyone had flowed their own.

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  • Member For: 16y 8m 12d
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Very common stuff mate hence why a good genuine matched set of injectors are worth every cent 


to chime in on the ID saga ( some will know about this others won't ) 

now we all know that ID genuine injectors will be packaged as a matched set ( what does this really mean ) in short they should  be literally sold as X4/x6/x8 and be joined in the packaging complete , this means all six will be as that completely joined in the vac seal packaging together 


this proves the matched set set were indeed matched and batched together 


what we have heard here in Australia in the past that a certin company was selling genuine ID injectors but in split packages ( two per join ) so if you ordered X6 you ended up with x3 sets of 2 

this did lead to problems and by all accounts ID weren't happy as this breaks their product down .( had this happen first hand a few times )


obviously this is all off the grape vine but I don't know why split sets were available to the reselling company anyway but one can imagine why........


not all injectors are equal and even when they are they need to be grouped up correctly to maintain that 1% FM 


live and learn kiddies and when it comes to injectors you really do get what you pay for !!

Edited by JETURBO
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