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Diy Tuning

Ralph Wiggum

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Does that mean I can get the pro version and connect and wideband o2 sensor directly without the need of another logger? That would be neat.

I have my MVPI setup to log wideband afr and fuel pressure at the moment. you can log and 5v analog source.

An X-cal2 is essential though as it give you access to all the Ford DMR's not just the standard PID's like the MVPI. You can tune just fine with the MVPI on its own but you will be playing some guessing games because you can't see what the X-cal 2 can.

Might as well get an LM-2. Does the same thing but much easier to use and a neater mobile unit. You can also wire it into the xcal. My LM-2 analog cable has outputs for the xcal2 (mini din), xcal3 (FireWire) and a generic for aftermarket ECU's that I tinker with. As long as the ground offsets are configured correctly its a weapon combo.


Also if you guys haven't worked it out by now, you really need a desire to learn and the funds to purchase all the gear you need to do it properly. I think If i added up all the gear I've got it would have happily paid for several X-cal's and custom tunes to go with them!

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Yeah it's not a cheap exercise but I'm definitely still keen. Will probably start logging a lot of stuff with the xcal first to see what is happening before buying extra HW.

Also, can VCM read a tune done with SCT? I suspect the parameters on the PCM can be read but you won't see all of them since SCT has access to more tables... is that right?

Edited by Paulie2256
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Thanks for the advice Toady. When I get my head around HP Tuners a bit more I will look into that stuff.

I had a look at the Demo HPTuner software tonight but there are only GM tune files from what I could see so not much use in getting an idea on the Australian Ford stuff.

Just some Questions:

Where is the best place to buy HpTuner in Aust and how much. I guess it comes with cables and everthing needed to connect to the car?

Also when the ZF transmission tuning side gets done will I have to pay extra or is that an automatic free software update?

I have a SCT tune in the car. Should I download the stock tune down into the car and tune that with VCM or can I suck the SCT tune out and use that as a base tune and then tune with the HpTuner software??

What is preventing a few mates buying HpTuners with credits and tuning several cars.

Edited by turbotrana
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Also when the ZF transmission tuning side gets done will I have to pay extra or is that an automatic free software update?

I have a SCT tune in the car. Should I download the stock tune down into the car and tune that with VCM or can I suck the SCT tune out and use that as a base tune and then tune with the HpTuner software??

What is preventing a few mates buying HpTuners with credits and tuning several cars.

Software updates appear to be fee for life however I reckon the zf tuning will be worth another 2 credits.

I want to know this too, no one has responded. The best way for me to learn (if a mentor is not available) is to compare a stock tune with tuned.

I don't think anything is.

This thread has the potential to turn into a whole new forum on this site which I think would be awesome however it depends how keen the guys are to pass their knowledge on.

Edited by Paulie2256
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Its my understanding you can copy whatever file is flashed on the ecu, however I think you run into problems if he car has previously been tuned and the ecu is locked password protected I believe some tuners lock their tunes others don't.

Ratter would know for sure.

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You can by it from Vcm Suite Australia, they have a on line store and are located in victoria. About $900 buys the Pro version with 8 credits. You are better to load the stock tune and save it as the base file and then reload the sct tunes and save the files and use the compare function of the software if you want to veiw the differences.And yes you can buy with your mates and tune a couple cars with the credits supplied. Two credits per Ford vehicle and the software updates are free.


Some Tuners Tunerlock but afaik this function only works on GM tunes.

Edited by JVK
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  • Moar Powar Babeh
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Thanks for the advice Toady. When I get my head around HP Tuners a bit more I will look into that stuff.

I had a look at the Demo HPTuner software tonight but there are only GM tune files from what I could see so not much use in getting an idea on the Australian Ford stuff.

Just some Questions:

Where is the best place to buy HpTuner in Aust and how much. I guess it comes with cables and everthing needed to connect to the car?

Also when the ZF transmission tuning side gets done will I have to pay extra or is that an automatic free software update?

I don't honesty believe HPT will ever support ZF tuning.

I have a SCT tune in the car. Should I download the stock tune down into the car and tune that with VCM or can I suck the SCT tune out and use that as a base tune and then tune with the HpTuner software?? it depends on your take on intellectual property. Technically you should flash to stock and retune, but IMHO 99% of people would use the SCT tune as there base and then make there changes from there.

What is preventing a few mates buying HpTuners with credits and tuning several cars.


PM me an email address and I'l send you some Aus Ford files to have a look at

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I have hp tuners, but I paid a work shop to tune my ford because I herd sctx3 is so much better?? And can do the autos... with the cd that came with the sct can I load that and modify my tune?? I have a wide band already hooked up to my dongle for hp tuners and have played with heaps of holdens but never a ford!! ralph would you mind sharing some of your ford files with me??

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