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Diy Tuning

Ralph Wiggum

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4th gear rev it up and let it go loves it. I wanted to line up way back in the corner and send it all the way into the next corner and just slide it instead of having to slow and roll around the corner but the organisers insisted on stopping at the line they set or ill get disqualified... got some other video of sliding it around the track that when I get the rest of people ill edit together and add to youtube.

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For those interested PCMTec is working on Custom Tunes see: https://forum.pcmtec.com/index.php?/topic/25-custom-tunesgear-based-boost-control-for-baba-and-early-fg/


This is a very different level of tuning and goes beyond the OEM Calibrator level we currently support. Soon you will be able to do things like:

  1. Gear Based Boost Control for the BA/BF/FG
  2. Change table axis like using VSS or Gear instead of Intake temperature for the Boost and Wastegate tables
  3. Change decision points for thinks like Open Loop Fuel (make it MAP dependent).
  4. Increase table resolutions
  5. Add custom axis

We think this will change the Ford Falcon tuning landscape forever:dancing:

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  • Puff
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Is there enough memory and a spare pin to make a "launch" function? This is just a quick some thoughts thrown together so it may be infeasible.


The action/button would put the trans in neutral (while in drive/perf on the shifter), add fuel and pull timing (typical antilag) and also open the throttle butterfly to a preset point to build boost (also set with ford boost controller).


You'd need a few tables to set it up eg; throttle opening, % extra fuel or similar, rpm set point, boost level, over temp timer, tip in timing delay and I guess something to change the gearbox from drive/first (or second either via a table or just on the shifter) to neutral (upon button press) and back to drive/first/second (button release). There may be more or less required. There might be some torque tables that need to be considered.


All you'd want to do in car would be; press the button, hold the accelerator pedal to the floor (that would do nothing while the momentary button is pressed, the launch function would control the throttle butterfly), then let the button go when the boost is there.


I wonder how the trans and converter would go being put into gear at 4000rpm with 10psi or so? It should be fine with a 6r80 upgrade with an aftermarket converter. Would the trans hardware/wiring support this kind of shift? It seems that it would,on the surface at least, as it's just a simple shift.


Combined with boost by gear it would make for quick and consistent drag times. Haha it would make for better powerskid launches. 4th gear launch in a zf anyone?


Anyhow, it's just a thought :)

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puffwagon, there would be enough memory to do this but this. With the release this week we are adding all the Drivetrain Protection parameters and manual launch control Ford put in the late MK IIs so there may be something there for you.


My priorities here are to deliver the list on the forum and then once this is working see if there is anything extra required. My heart says put in a Wide band in place of the second O2 sensor and do things like Ethanol level % or LPG detection as well as helping tuning. I am not even sure we will have to time available to go much beyond what is committed on the Forum. We will want to move this level of tuning onto our next project :) 

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  • Puff
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2 minutes ago, DarrylC said:

My heart says put in a Wide band in place of the second O2 sensor


Seems like a good spot. I put mine there. You could implement self tuning from that at some stage if it's on the cards.


3 minutes ago, DarrylC said:

do things like Ethanol level %


If you could make the cars flex fuel ready ie: able to interpolate timing, fuel, cold start etc between a couple of maps I think you would blow the competition out of the water for a while.


8 minutes ago, DarrylC said:

We will want to move this level of tuning onto our next project :)


Can you share what that is?


It's all very exciting stuff.


I'd love to pick up a pro version of your software but I've got plenty of other stuff to pay for so I'll have to make do with hp tuners for now :)

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Engaging an auto into gear at 4000rpm with any kind of power will end in destruction. Launch control for a manual is good to be able to add into the strategy that don't have it being that it's the only way to build boost and launch in a manual car. Everyone that starts using the launch control in a manual at the drags will soon realise how sh*t clutch builders in Australia are when they break there big $$ clutches haha

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Yeah the flex fuel is 1/2 there already, we could use the auto octane tables as well. The O2 sensor could be used to adjust Stoich etc on the fly.


Next project is really the scanner but could you imagine what this sort of level of tuning would do the the Mustang market :ermm:


Yeah I used HP Tuners for years. Almost two years ago I gave them extra tables to put in the BA/BF, DMR fixes for things like Airmass and volunteered to help them. Sadly they are not interested in our market. 

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  • Puff
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17 minutes ago, eff xr6t said:

Engaging an auto into gear at 4000rpm with any kind of power will end in destruction.


You might be able to implement a strategy, that rather than switching the solenoids from neutral to first immediately you get them to pulse so that the load is taken up over a few tenths of a second. I think the torque converter clutch does something like this to slip a bit.


21 minutes ago, DarrylC said:

Yeah the flex fuel is 1/2 there already, we could use the auto octane tables as well. The O2 sensor could be used to adjust Stoich etc on the fly.


Next project is really the scanner but could you imagine what this sort of level of tuning would do the the Mustang market :ermm:


Have you guys set up a go fund me or the like? It can't be easy getting this done by yourselves. It will be worth it in the end though.

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From the things your talking about adding here the only advantage a plug in aftermarket ecu to the Ford market will be live tuning and that won't out weigh the disadvantages of removing the stock ecu. Even though I don't play with these cars very much it's great to see development on these ecus.

Think I might follow through with my plan soon and see how I go at making a sohc 4l engine run off a ba pcm for interest sake.

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5 minutes ago, Puffwagon said:

Have you guys set up a go fund me or the like? It can't be easy getting this done by yourselves. It will be worth it in the end though.

Rolls and I funded this between us and are both full time. At this stage extra resources may slow us down as we both work on separate areas and can focus without having to manage the extra resources.


If we can get the Australian tuners to switch to PCMTec then we should be able to make this work, then we could properly deploy the new resources.


If we can make this work then we would be quite proud of providing something that is gives the Australian Ford tuner the best solution.  We already believe we provide the best tuning package for both the PCM and TCM but know we are missing a scanner and a hand held flash tuner.


It is our mission to make this the best tuning solution available and feel that this will make it viable.

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