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Diy Tuning

Ralph Wiggum

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That all went over my head but I'm still excited 

I wonder how ecutek can be profitable having access to live tuning with subarus and such

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  • MattyP
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Well as you were saying that it's incredibly expensive. 


I also thought a piggy back controller would make it easier to program.

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A bit of an update for the Rolls software.


As some of you know I am the one helping Rolls in the background hunting through the assembler and finding new parameters and have just completed initial testing on a new feature for this software. I have been able to track down the independent control of the exhaust cam for the XR6 turbo and yes we have control :dancing:


There is a bunch of tables missing from the other products that I have found and have them in for the first release (TBA). An interesting one based on vehicle speed but currently a constant.


So now the fun will begin. IH8TOADS pointed out we could do ghost cams and we have someone testing this as well. So higher overlap cams may be controllable at idle as well as removing the stuff Ford put in to reduce back pressure in the higher rev range due to the factory exhaust. 


I believe this is a first for us. We have been told it is not in other products.

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Ok we have ghost cam working!


Ghost cam on demand!


Super lumpy idle 35 degrees overlap on exhaust cam


Car is completely undriveable with that much overlap but it sounds super cool. 


Currently I can only get the lumpy cam when you have your foot on the throttle, as soon as idle mode kicks in it goes smooth again. So basically have the reverse of a ghost cam, lumpy as hell when trying to drive, smooth at idle. Will need to find the maps that control the idle exhaust cam timing to get a true ghost cam working.


Anyway, progress is progress!

Edited by rollex
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Show us what they sound like when you are doing a skid

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Joe, yes that is the way the software is built. We basically find all parameters in the calibrations (secret squirrel stuff) and, as the software moves to Beta, allow the user to define what the parameter is and, if they want, submit it for everyone's benefit.


At this stage I am doing the extra parameters for our Alpha users. You would have seen the post about the exhaust cam control but there are extra exhaust cam based speed density tables, speed based cam tables and numerous other spark tables. It is very exciting what is actually available for tuning.

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With all the tables we find if we do not know what they do we will make a feature available to display the "unknown" tables. Users can then modify them at their own risk if they believe they know what it does. Eg it might utilise the same load and rpm axis as a speed density table, so you might take a guess at what it does from that.


Once you modify it and do some datalogging if you are confident you know what it does there will be a feature to submit a user report. We can then update our templates so all users can now view and edit this table. If tuners want to keep it to themselves that is ok as well. There will be the ability to define custom templates for your eyes only.


The custom templates is already implemented, however the user submission/feedback for unknown tables is not. We do have a few hundred unknown tables that will be available though.


Obviously there will be a lot of risk modifying these unknown tables, so to mitigate the risk we will only make that feature available on request to specific people. Eg we don't want someone just willy nilly changing random tables to find one of them controls the throttle body model and their car automatically drives into a wall when they turn cruise control on. That would be a huge disaster.


Most of the useful "unknown" Tables are fairly obvious what they control, eg the exhaust cam control tables that Darryl found utilise similar axis to other tables, and they are accessed in the same routine as other cam stuff. So you can usually have a pretty good stab in the dark at what at table does, if we spend a few days on each one we can analyse the assembler to figure it out exactly. This takes a lot of time though, so we will have to pick our battles carefully. That is the main reason to opening this up to other users though, so they can be part of the process and help out, that way everyone wins hopefully as there are obviously a lot of talented and interested people on here.


On 09/03/2017 at 8:14 PM, discostig said:

Show us what they sound like when you are doing a skid

I actually tried doing the lumpy cam across the whole range just for lols, however the PCM cuts the throttle over 3.5k due to some error. Most likely picking up a camshaft failure or something along those lines. It did throw a DTC suggesting the cam was overly advanced/retarded.


I did add a massive amount of overlap though. I'm sure we can figure out a way around this in time to come.

Edited by rollex
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