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Diy Tuning

Ralph Wiggum

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Just remember bigger numbers = more fasts.


No reason you cannot buy US direct. Just make sure you get and MPVI Pro with Ford Credits. MPVI Pro will allow you to log wideband etc and make life much easier.

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If you buy from the Australian website direct you will get it delivered quicker




On another note my flash tuning tool is progressing. I can read and write the flash of a BF/FG, view and edit the binary, change VIN etc. I have a BA PCM someone donated on it's way so I will be supporting this as well shortly.


I can also flash the ford generic .PHF files that you can download from their website to flash your car back to stock. The files PHF files are not a 100% complete flash however if you have a matching strategy I can merge it with the downloaded flash to put the car back to stock.


Have a read of my thread on PCM hacking if you are interested. I've got a small number of people alpha testing it at the moment. Looking to to release a public beta around Christmas time with some basic definitions being released for free.


My goal is to eventually implement proper map tracing to make tuning much easier than HPT/SCT, I also have an open source XML definition format so people can create their own definitions that can be used for free.


I'm doing it all via a Tactrix OpenPort 2.0 J2534 cable, only costs $169 USD so quite a cheap option.



Edited by rollex
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Road map is as follows:

  • Merge my J2534 proof of concept flash program into my editor program.
  • Rewrite my proof of concept editor in WPF with a modern pretty GUI, I'm looking at Motec M1 and stuff as inspiration however I want more wizards to try and make it as easy to use as possible. I don't want people to have to go looking for information, I want it to explain things well enough for it to be obvious how to setup injector slopes, speed density maps etc without having to go read 50 different forum threads and get 10 different answers. If I can't explain what a map/parameter does then I won't display it in the wizard.
  • Open source definitions with descriptions/naming/help files that doesn't infringe on existing products.
  • Implement basic DMR logging (no graphs)
  • Map tracing
  • Implement proper logging with graphs
  • Investigate live tuning via custom ROM that stores maps in RAM

I'm unsure how I will divide free/paid versions up however initially I want a read/write flasher with basic definitions that are free for the backyard tuner.


The other goal I want is for it to have excellent support for a limited number of vehicles, eg BA/BF/FG. Nothing else will be considered until this is complete as I don't like the "good enough" approach, I want a polished I's dotted and Ts crossed product.

Edited by rollex
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That is a very common sense way of working it.


Having owned other aftermarket ecu's with 100+ page manuals it is a bit disappointing that the same support isn't there for "hp tuners".


I'm not taking anything away from the knowledge of the forums or the professional guys who have worked things out and I understand why there isn't a "manual" as such.


Providing clear cut instructions with the hardware and software just completes the product imo.


Have you thought about using Tunerpro as a tuning solution? I've had success using that with a modified delco ecu although there still is the issue of a billion parameters to wade through.

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It is due to them supporting an absolutely gigantic number of vehicles. Pros and cons and that is definitely a big pro for HPTuners!


Quite a few people have suggested tunerpro however due to the level of GUI customisation I want going a fully custom program is the best route for me. I'm also a bit of a perfectionist with programming and like having control of the entire application to make it look and behave exactly as I want.


I could release something in a few weeks that will use the proof of concept GUI that will do the first two items on the roadmap. The reason I won't is I don't want people to use an unfinished program that uses the ugly winforms GUI. Needs to feel polished from day one.


Anyway I'll try and keep all my updates in the PCM hacking thread. I'll post back here again when I need some more beta testers or have a public release. :)

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Just bought it from http://vcmstore.com.au/ - The difference was like $50 once shipping and currency conversion was done. This $50 is worth supporting a local business and also getting the equipment sooner. 

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