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We Just Ordered Ours...


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Hi everyone,

Just thought I'd share a bit of joy with you all.

On Monday we ordered our XR6T. We went for Phantom with Phantom interior, premium sound and brakes, 18" wheels, manual, side airbags, momo, & tint. Went a bit crazy on the options, but oh well, the car is gonna be awesome.

We presently have a 1999 TS50 that l cant wait to get rid of for this beast. Auto was never an option for us, the TS has tiptronic but after a week you give up on it. l thought it might be a good substitute, but it isnt. There is no substitute for a manual.

l notice no one has gone for the optional 18's, am l the only person who likes them? Any thoughts on the Phantom interior, l read someone say they thought it was pretty loud. Took a chance on it as wasnt able to find a dealer that had a car with it. Have seen the blue which l liked, so cant imagine that Phantom could be that lairy. Any opinions?

Cheers Simon

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Congrats on the order.

I know the joy you currently feel :D

I didn't take the 18s coz I can't see the worth of the extra cash on tyres.

Don't like the 18s much either. 17s suit me just fine.

Might go for a set of aftermarket 18s one day

I heard the exhaust note and it is very pleasant. Plenty of volume also. :D

Again, congratulations. May your XR6T be delivered pronto, and deliver you from A to B in the same manner. :)

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  • The Noble Leader
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Yes definently congratulations. What is the Phantom interior? I thought the XR only had the Warm Charcoal for Leather? Or did you choose the standard fabric?

I didnt choose 18" because by the time I thought about it, my car was half way up the production line.. Might also put some aftermarket 18" on it one day. Until then the 17" will be fine.

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  • SLOJAM, Gone but not forgotten
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Congratulations! The Phantom is great and the interior looks wild. What's the ETA on your new baby? You're gonna be one happy lad! :D :D

CJF077 - Phantom Interior is the standard XR interior - Plexis Phantom and carbon in warm charcoal with twin needle stitch.

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Hi guys,

Yep, the phantom interior is the standard cloth. Got leather in the current car, and dont think l would pay any extra for it. Hot in summer, cold in winter and l get sick of rubbing wax into it to keep it soft.

l think the 18's look great, seen them in person on a XR8 the dealer had just got into stock. Knew there was no going back...

l was truly amazed to find this website existed considering how soon it is since the release of the XR6T. Most of us have not even driven one yet, netherlone taken delivery. l think the turbo 6 was a masterstroke by Ford, l'd much rather a strong 6 than 8. Smoother, more civil, lighter, less fuel, less weight in the front end etc etc. l keep thinking back to my all time favourite car, a 72 Bathurts XU-1 Torana, geez that car was fun. l reckon the XR6T will be the closet modern day equivalent to that, but with 3 kiddie seats accross the back. l can now have my cake and eat it too!

Roll on December.


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  • 2 weeks later...
  • Brendan Dennis
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If you live in Melbouren there is a XR6 N/A in Phantum with the Phantum trim in it at the Mornington Dealer (or at least it was there a week or 2 ago!)

As for the trim colour most XRs come with the grey / charcol trim and you can option (at no additional cost) a colour insted of the grey fleks and Grey XR logo in the front seats. Check the colour options sheet (its not on the web). There is Grey, Red, Blue, Phantum, Blueprint. Depending on the exterior colour will depend on the colour of the interior... As I said check the sheet..

I reckon the phantom interiro looks great in the Phantum car. Comes down to taste..

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  • The Noble Leader
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One thing I cant stand though is the fact that when you choose the warm charcoal leather you cannot change the stitching color for the XR logo on the seat. I wish you could have changed the colour.. ahh well :rolleyes:

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that's my only complaint as well. The big XR on the seats is in red and just doesn't go with the rest of the interior. The letters should be smaller and the colour should match the rest of the car, I.e purple for phantom and gold for acid rush not red.

Think I'm going to take to the seat with a texta and fix that problem.

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The date to dealer is now 18th November. It keeps moving and in the wrong direction.

Apparently there have been none delivered yet apart from demo's, but I did see a Blueprint XR6 on the road today. I couldn't see if it was a "T".

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