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Fg Xr6T Mk2 Bad Fuel Consumption

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Hey guys, got my FG last Wednesday and it seems to be chewing the fuel. Give it a quirt every now n then but nothing major, avg fuel consumption is reading 14ltr / hr and its gone threw half a tank and the trip computer reads 60km ... any ideas?

Edited by luke.a
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14l/100km or 14l /hour?

I have never heard of the 14L per hour.

I drive my FG around Town quite alot and stay away from the freeway/highway routes. with that in mind my average fuel consumption is 13-16L per 100km.

Now keep in mind that is with a lot of squirts and stuff. The more power you have the more you want to plant it and race other Senators/R8s and c63s............

Is the car tuned? I know that when I give her WOT, the gauge drops faster depending on how far down the pedal gets pushed. ;)

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How many k's? Mine didn't settle down below 13 till after 30k. I avg now bout mid 11's with avg speed of 57. Check that too. I'm no lead foot but give a boot at least 3 times a day (5 days a week) the misses drives it the other 2 and she's pretty careful with her foot :)

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its a 2013 second hand 70k km , and ye iv never seen the hour thing either but that's what the trip computer thingy displays haha. from what iv been told hasn't been tuned or anything or any mods of the kind

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its a 2013 second hand 70k km , and ye iv never seen the hour thing either but that's what the trip computer thingy displays haha. from what iv been told hasn't been tuned or anything or any mods of the kind

So you have only had it for a week.... I remember when I got mine..... Lead foot all the time, that turbo surge was addictive!! Now the fuel needle dictates my driving style. And also you don't know what the other owner was like, I.e towing a lot, heavy foot before sale, Shiite fuel etc.

Give it 5-10k to "reset" to your driving mannerisms dont judge to harshly, if that fails make it a game!! See how low you can get it.... Or how high!!:P

Edited by Nitrofgxr6t
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Ye was reading how it changes to how you drive and all that but thought 60km and half a tank gone was a bit extreme even for a squirt every now n then... cant resist when someone in a ss puts the boot in and only thinks its an xr6 :D

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Yep....I'm on 14.9L...25km round trip for work....mostly peak hr traffic and fanging a bit.

I'm all with everyone about the comp resetting to your driving style....but even with my figure I barely get over 300-320, even though a 55L tank should get 370kms for my 14.9L situation (if my maths are correct)....

The real issue here is if OP is only getting 60kms actual driving to HALF a tank I.e. 120kms travelled per tank with 0km DTE.... if that is true you're either flooring it 24/7 or something is up.

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You normally get the L/hr readout when you reset the avg economy and you're just sitting there idling - ie. you're burning fuel slowly without going anywhere so can't show km

Weird that it's showing up fulltime on yours though

60km on the trip and half tank gone is extreme

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