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Dyno Tuners


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Gday all,

just wanting to get some advice & info on dyno tuners.

what is the normal cost for a tune ? and what would they normally achieve ?

I rang CGR in Narrabeen and they advised $1400.. I said that's quite steep and they said that's from scratch.

so they advised they can do per hour @ $220.. I said how many hours will it need?

all I want is to get a bit of extra power / boost.

If the car already has a tune, will a new tuner need to do it from scratch or can they just go from where the car is currently at ?



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Unless you goto where it was originally tuned, they will start from scratch

$1000 - $1500 is the normal costs

My car was on the dyno 6 hours when it was tuned and it came out perfect so it's definitely worth it

What state are you in ?

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I think starting from scratch is a bit of a fast. They all have there own recipe/ setup they work with. Rumor has it some guys get a tune done in about 4 pulls, for a typically modified car.

Edit. No tuner will continue on with anothers tune. They will start "fresh"

Ring a few shops and it is possible to get a tune for 700 odd which may satisfy your needs 100%.

I still laugh at we were happy to wind the boost up on skylines and such with zero closed loop feedback, but now with dual knock sensors and every other safety function built into the ford tune were scared to let it over boost by 1 psi.

Edited by gaz097
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makes me think.. when he originally said $1400 to start from scratch and I said no chance.. he then went straight on to we can do it for xx per hour.

what would be the difference if they start from scratch or just go on the back of someone elses tune ?

that's funny re the skylines v fords !!

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I think starting from scratch is a bit of a FARCE


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Just booked it in for a 2.5 hour tune to see how it goes.. they said if the tune is already there then no need to do a full tune from scratch so hopefully they can get a bit more out of it.

looking forward to getting to the creek soon for a drag. and a cruise with the boys.. been a very long time!

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