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Buying Hptuners Vcm Suite


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Why not just start from a factory Ford tune

Car is far from stock, ID1000s, intercooler etc etc making ~320rwkw so don't really feel like undoing all the tuning I've had done!

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Why didn't your tuner re-address the issues you have with your tune??? Does he want heaps more money or something?

Cold start stuff; did that not become apparent within the first few days of getting your car back? Or did it take until winter months to start causing you problems?

What is the cruise control thing you are wanting to fix?.....just so I know if it happens to me when mine gets tuned :P

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Why didn't your tuner re-address the issues you have with your tune??? Does he want heaps more money or something?

Cold start stuff; did that not become apparent within the first few days of getting your car back? Or did it take until winter months to start causing you problems?

What is the cruise control thing you are wanting to fix?.....just so I know if it happens to me when mine gets tuned :P

There is nothing really wrong with the tune, I just want to perfect it and I like tweaking. There is nothing wrong with the cruise control.

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:dontknow: If there's nothing wrong with the tune then why spend the money on hpt? I guess each to their own and maybe you'll have fun with learning a new skill....just hopefully you don't make any boo boos and do something dumb hahaha

Good luck with it all then mate.... :ok:

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What you do is upload the modified SCT tune into HP Tuners. Then you return the tune back to stock via the SCT box so that it is unmarried. Then you upload the stock tune and make sure you don't loose the stock tune otherwise if you need a stock tune got to go back to Ford.

Then you download the modified tune with HP tuners.

Get a wideband from innovate, something like a LC1. Don't worry about narrowband simulation. I've done it and unless you know what you are doing its a bit of a head phuck.

You are better off getting another bung welded onto your exhaust.

When you get your Hp Tuner hardware you will be able to log onto the Hp Tuner forum and there is alot of good info there, alot of good info about widebands.

The fact you have a modified tune will make the learning process a bit easier. You can do a compare of the stock and modified tune and see what tables have been changed and work from there.

Edited by turbotrana
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  • Member For: 21y 11m 1d
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No, it is not a sh*tty move.

Mate, don't worry about using a modified Ford Tune file. The reality is that Ford spent millions creating a tune, a tuner uses this Ford tune with a few changes and then claims he owns it. Ridiculous.

Just use whatever tune file is there and it makes it alot easier. Then when you get more experience then its easy to start from scratch but there is already enough to learn as it is, no point reinventing the wheel.

And don't listen to the guys who try to shame you using a tune that you have already paid for.

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