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Zf Auto


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Zf is a little too smart for Jaycar spec mods.

He lies, you can upgrade them with zip ties, check mine out


OK it's just the gear selector linkage I admit but still...

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Just a heads up, who ever is building your box has to be the one to tune it and pretty much install it... Otherwise there is going to be a sh*t fight between all involved and you'll be the looser in the end. Iv researched this thoroughly and it seems ALL the advertisers on here plus who ever is building/modding boxes out there are all competing with each other and through Herrod they can blow your box... When I rang monster torque I was told that "we ppl in Sydney" dont know how to put oil in our gear boxes and blow em up... yup true story. Nizpro said because Joe from CMS will be tuning the car we wont give warranty because Joe hasn't done a Nizpro tuning course and on and on it went. I just had xedy clutches Input and intermediate shafts and a planetary done and the car is a bit rough but settling down which is normal. Once settled they get tuned. And yeah you need them tuned because they shift like retards stock or done up. By the way I went with Joe from CMS he was the only guy who didnt whinge whine and bitch about all the other box builders and I had the privilege of seeing every part that went into it. Honest clean work.

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One more question.

I'm looking at a reco zf. $3200. Comes with w'ty.before I get installed what are the mods do you think I should do

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I've seen one on Ebay reconditioned for $2400? It's from a transmission shop so have a search of its still there...

I'll see if I can dig it up!

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