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  • Member For: 15y 8m 16d
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Hey mate, those turbo's unfortunately ended up being to expensive in the end & any returns for re-tweaking became to time consuming basically to slow getting them back..


But we just tested another turbo that was given to us by a reputable company not in Australia. the test car was a FG XR6T manual, stock engine pw stg3 cooler, 1000ph kpm in tank pump, 1000cc bosch injectors, valve springs, pump gears, 3.5'' exhaust, still using a T3 with factory rear turbine housing std exhaust manifold, the usual waste gate port, 12psi turbosmart actuator, no water fittings.... no oil restrictor, so basically from your oil line straight into the turbo & as big as you can make the drain, with a .5 front compress housing & will take up to 40 psi as long as there's no backpressure, so at 20psi on e85 we made 512rwkw. I didn't want to push any more as it still had std head bolts, so the next step was head stud & see what it will do @25psi, the wheel spec's is secret squirrel stuff for now , but he's now building another one for us with a .7 comp housing, same rear housing still internally gated that hopefully will flow 95 lbs/min 

waiting on the second unit to turn up & see what we can do with this ??




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