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Religious Beliefs And Global Society


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  • loitering with intent
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That's what I'm saying. Geography and time have blurred what was supposedly pure.

Animals have an order of things as nature ultimately dictates.

Yet. the top of the food chain remains incapable.

God = Nature ??

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  • loitering with intent
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Politics and religion - 2 topics that always lead to healthy forum discussions ;)

needs more natural ingredients as per "God's" will

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  • Manual mode ________________________ All day, erryday
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I try to follow the "one commandment"

Don't be a C*nt

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  • Feeling the Love :-)
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There are only 2 main theorys out there, the theory of evolution or the theory of creation.

Simple, we either appeared by coincidence, or were created by something /someone.

Obviously there are many, many arguments for and against on both sides.

So the choice is up to you, Evolution or God, both beliefs are by faith.

Man has not been around for millions of years to observe and document evolution.

Man was not present to witness creation.

You can study either, or both.

But ultimately it is you who make the choice of which path you will adhere to.

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There are only 2 main theorys out there, the theory of evolution or the theory of creation.

Simple, we either appeared by coincidence, or were created by something /someone.

Obviously there are many, many arguments for and against on both sides.

So the choice is up to you, Evolution or God, both beliefs are by faith.

Man has not been around for millions of years to observe and document evolution.

Man was not present to witness creation.

You can study either, or both.

But ultimately it is you who make the choice of which path you will adhere to.

I say this coming from a church background and still an underlying belief there may be a higher power (whether or not he would care about my day to day life though I'm not so sure). The two theories can be believed in simultaneously.

Many Christians I've met are quick to say that evolution is wrong and hasn't been observed...this is incorrect. There's a HUGE distinction between micro evolution (what Darwin observed on the islands), which is the changes within kinds that enable it to adapt to and survive it's environment (this has been observed), and macro evolution...which is the theory takes those changes observed in micro evolution and extrapolates them over longer time periods.

Coming from a geological perspective (I'm a geologist) people have asked me how I feel about the fact that K-Ar dating puts the earth at billions of years old...I'm cool with it. If there was a god that was as smart and all knowing as he claims to be then if he did indeed create a world purely for us to live in and enjoy then he couldn't have made it fresh (geological speaking, 0 years old) as we require weathered rock material for soil and sediments in order to grow food and sustain life, we need a vast array of precious metals (like gold) in somewhat easily identifiable areas etc etc. This all requires a great deal of time and movement of the earths crust to form these regions of favorable deposition for minerals and precious metals. You can view that two ways, either "god" created the earth geological young and things did in fact shift around and age over the timeframes indicated by K-Ar dating, OR this almighty being created the earth exactly as it is for his creation to enjoy, geological old.

This is all said under the assumption of there actually being a god. Personally, I'm not necessary convinced enough either way. I got to a point though where I got over arguing about this kind of sh*t with people and figured I didn't care enough. Each their own and all that.

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  • Manual mode ________________________ All day, erryday
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The way I see it is, if you stand for nothing you must be sitting. If your sitting you can't fall.

"If you fall, I'll be there"


Got that on a shirt. Goes with my other one "It rubs the lotion on its skin or else it gets the hose again". Both deep thought provoking conversation starters about the human condition.

Edited by -Stever-
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This is all said under the assumption of there actually being a god. Personally, I'm not necessary convinced enough either way. I got to a point though where I got over arguing about this kind of sh*t with people and figured I didn't care enough. Each their own and all that.

Yep - You're going to hell

(unless there isn't one)

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