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Boost Spike/wastegate Faultcode


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  • Member For: 9y 11m 30d

Hey guys new to the forums and xr6t scene.

Got a bf xr6t which the last week has been cutting out/stuttering under load when wanting to pick up the revs.

Today engine light came on and has stayed on. Had a mech check the fault code and it came up as Wastegate.

Is the wastegate damaged or getting stuck or bov? Wud that be causing the cut off and stutter? Or is that the ecu throwing in to limp mode.

P.s the last week I have been hearing the flutter noise on de excelleration where as before could not hear it.

Car is stock apart from catback exhaust.

Anyhelp appreciated guys.


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Sounds like you might have a puntcure in your actuator diaphragm causing the car to overboost which pushes the car into limp mode.

The symptoms you notice, is that the car goes harder on initial accelration until you trip the over boost setting which I think is around 9psi, and then its limp mode...

I would be considering changing your actuator to fix the problem.

In the mean time to try and stem the overboost, appart from driving the car more gently, you could also loosen the clamps on the rubber hose that connects to the throttle body, this should keep your boost just under the threshold...(this has worked for me in the passed...not saying it will work for you)

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  • Moar Powar Babeh
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  • Member For: 19y 4m 27d
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  • Location: Perth

Is it actually over boosting ie measured oneva quality gauge.

The pcm will flag wastegate failure whenever boost pressure is not in line with what the pcm is commanding.

Wastegate failire could can be boost high or low and will usually have a couple of other codes present that allow diagnosis. Ir boost pressure sensor high/low.

You neen to give the car a good mechanical checkover and physically messure the boost before working out a course of action.

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