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Recommendations On Improving Engine Performance

Liam Jay

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Looking to improve my cars performance (2009 xr6). Can anyone help me out with any recommendations please :)

I was thinking something like either

1. New exhaust

2. New computer (electronics)

3. Cold air intake

also looking to put a turbo in it but that's later down the track.

Cheers Liam

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Welcome Liam. You've come to a good place with many wise heads

You'll probably need to tell us a little more about the car and what you hope to achieve, current work, etc etc

fyi, the barra motor and the barra turbo's aren't really the same engine. There are a lot of small differences that differentiate them.

Also, the Ford EEC ecu's are a very well featured ecu. the xcal tuners make good use of the stock functionality, not many people replace them.

If it were me, again not knowing you or the car, I would mod the front of the stock airbox, put some 1000'cc injectors in (the proper flow matched ones) and give it a very quick run on a dyno. Maybe if you were keen throw a set of cams at it

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Don't mod tha NA xr6 it'll just make it harder to sell it when you want to get the turbo model.

Fill it with 98 fuel and put a k&n air filter that's all you need.

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Yes and they shouldn't have

We had done some work on a mates BF XR6 all we did was a custom stock ecu re calibration and picked up 20rwkw on BP98 fuel

This had pacemaker 4490's 100cell cat , K&N panel filter , hi flowed stock air box and we back to backed a 2.5 redback exhaust against a 2.5 xforce cat back

Redback won ;) bugger all in it but it was on top and cheapest cat back on the market

Rolled up 154rwkw then 174rwkw after alot of calibrating

Go get em dude everyone has a turbo and if you're a P plater it's your only decent option





Edited by Wombat Bellend
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