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Fg F6 Auto Vibration At High Speed


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Sounds like I'm not the only one experiencing similar symptoms, I was hoping someone had the magic answer.

Boost69 might be on the right track as my left rear rim had a buckle on the inside lip which I swapped out but still have the vibration.

Already tried re-balancing without luck. Are the tailshaft weights stuck or spot welded on?

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Sounds like I'm not the only one experiencing similar symptoms, I was hoping someone had the magic answer.

Boost69 might be on the right track as my left rear rim had a buckle on the inside lip which I swapped out but still have the vibration.

Already tried re-balancing without luck. Are the tailshaft weights stuck or spot welded on?

Funny you should say that. My second set of wheels had a buckle in a F6 wheel which had to be rerolled. Went a whole new set of rims and better tyres. But my vibration isn't as bad a a unbalanced or buckled wheel though. Had the ZF serviced at 100,000 and it seemed to make a small improvement.

By your symptoms if it's only just started I would say get wheels balanced and aligned. Quick and easy to rule out and start from there.

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Check your radiator overflow to make sure it hasn't mixed with trans fluid. Sound's exactly like when my trans cooler milkshaked. If it's not that then I'd look at your driveshaft cv

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A mate at work had the same vibration ,changed everything ,no luck ,ended up being an ABS sensor was dirty and was miss reading and trying to slow one wheel down,cleaned the SENSORS and fixed the problem at no cost.

I have been in the car before and after and no vibration ,give that a try ,cost nothing......

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A mate at work had the same vibration ,changed everything ,no luck ,ended up being an ABS sensor was dirty and was miss reading and trying to slow one wheel down,cleaned the SENSORS and fixed the problem at no cost.

I have been in the car before and after and no vibration ,give that a try ,cost nothing......

Is this hard to do? Do they just need the break dust wiped off or some extra specialized cleaning?

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  • Member For: 16y 4m 23d
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Ive got the same thing on mine. Ive had all wheels balanced. Ive noticed that if im doing 110kph plus its there but if I shift back to 5th its worse. No milkshake. All new diff bushes, rose joints and ssl springs allround. Really only noticed it once I replaced bushes and springs. Even worse if there is a few peoplw in the back at highway speeds and I kick back a gear.

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  • Member For: 10y 9m 15d
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Ahh "Bad Vibrations", glad I'm not the only one.

Although my car is a BA F6, I started experiencing a vibration similar to yours about 500kms ago but mines at 75-85kph weather it's coasting or under load doesn't seem to make a difference.

It did lead me to find a wobbly RH rear wheel bearing so I changed those and the control arm blade bushes, CVs checked out ok but made no difference to vibration, still there.

I haven't had a chance to crawl under the car yet but I suspect a bad uni or centre bearing even though I had a good look at the tail shaft when I removed the gearbox about 1500kms ago and they looked Ok.

The vibration has not got any worse over the last 500kms so I'm monitoring the situation until I can be farked clearing a space in the garage and crawling under the car.

It's definitely not getting any worse.

I also have a slightly buckled rear wheel but it's always been there and was never able to feel it (wheel balancer found it)

My Achilles tyres only have about 2000ks on them but I haven't ruled them out even though they look Ok.

The other odd thing is my vibration seems worse when the car is cold and seems better after about 10ks, almost like I'm getting a flat spot on my tyres when it's parked overnight.

Sorry for the thread hi-jack but your not alone.

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