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Help: Something's Killing My Battery!

"Captain Retard"

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  • Member For: 10y 8m 23d
  • Gender: Male
  • Location: Shellharbour NSW

Just to add I think I've got an intermittent problem.

When I first got the replacement car battery, I kept a close eye on the volts when I first put it in and they were fine, then I left it for 2 days and the battery went flat.

I think it's going to take a bit of time to sort.

Thanks again!

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  • Member For: 10y 8m 23d
  • Gender: Male
  • Location: Shellharbour NSW

Ok I think I've got it sorted

Discovery 1 ;

I contacted one of the previous owners about the red button (unfortunately it wasn't too enable the "cop chip") and luckily he could remember that it was a panic alarm that was connected to a GPS Tracker.

Since he sold the car on the GPS has been lying there dormant for the last 5 or so years.(BIG thanks CHALAXAN you're a champ)

Discovery 2 ;

So I started removing bits of interior and found the annoying little FARK of an alarm that's been driving me crazy.

I also found some other bits and pieces, one of which I assumed was the tracker. But there were a lot more wires feeding into the cars loom than I anticipated

Now this unit had a fuel pump cut off which let the people tracking the car to shut it down whenever they wanted to.

Discovery 3 ;

Studying all of the wiring, I couldn't understand why a lot of the wires were feeding into a loom that ran to the back of the car.

After a while I realised that the loom didn't look like Ford put it there so I started tracing it to the rear of the car.

More bits of interior removed and the back seat out lead me to the next discovery.

Discovery 4 ;

Down in the rear RH passengers footwell was a puddle of water.....WTF!!!

Now us Eastcoasters have had a Sh!tload of rain over the last month but still .....a FARKN PUDDLE???

Further investigation revealed the source, the RH rear passenger window was ever so slightly cracked open ......BLOODY KIDS FFS!!!

The windows probably been like that for months and I haven't noticed.

Discovery 5 ;

Anyhow moving along I found under the sodden carpet the silver box you can see in the photo sitting in water...


It also had a 6 volt battery next to it and an antenna that lead up into the seat foam.

The GPS wiring didn't actually bypass any of the cars wiring that I could see so after careful consideration I just cut all the wires that spliced into the loom and hoped for the best!

Battery reconnected and she fired up straight away

Took her for a drive around the block and all good.

Refitted the car alarm siren thingy and all good.

I'm not entirely sure how the GPS communicated with the rest of the car but I think it must've told the cars computer to stop the pump somehow ?

I suppose the GPS didn't like being drowned in water for a few weeks.

Hopefully this fixes my flat battery problems

Now where are those bloody kids???


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