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Carport To Double Lockup Garage Reno


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So the time has come where we thought we'd spruce the place up a bit... and what better place to spruce first than the carport.

currently its a sh*tty little single car carport, around 3m wide and 5m deep with the obligatory circa '92 build centre post which does an excellent job of trying to clean up the tips of your car doors. It has a fibre cement ceiling that's 2.2m high and a single little globe to light it all up.

So I got busy on Google sketch and drew up something a little more substantial... 5.1m opening width, 2.7m opening height, 8m deep and a ceiling height of 3m. its all approved by council now and underway. I've set a budget of $18k after an initial quote of $55k to strip out and build by builder.

I've got big footings in, lots of reo in them, 32mpa. majority of walls are now up, they just require finishing to height. the lintel is in over the opening and it's all starting to look pretty good. (read: pretty big)

The ceiling is going to be marine ply so if I need to mount something to it, I can just screw into it.

also a sectional door to close it all off to the road.

Now I've never built something like this before, so in an attempt to avoid rookie building and planning errors... what do I need to install inside... thinking power, water, air line, downlights...


something like the picture... anyway, I was going to add in the following:

2 x double 10A GPO's

2 x double 15A GPO's

hot and cold water over a sink/bench in the back right corner

LED downlights... about 12-15 of them

2 x compressed air points fed from a remote compressor.

NOW... what would you add if it was yours? what do you have or wish you had in your garage to make it perfect. I only want to do this once at this place, so I'd like some input to make that happen.


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Sounds like your fairly ontop of it though I probably wouldn't do down lights in a garage. Good ol batton fluros would be the go, and maybe 1 or so lights on a boom you can move around preferably around the engine bay area. No matter how many lights you have on the ceiling you always end up with shadows EXACTLY where your trying to work. I know you can just hang a work light off the bonnet but that's not as cool......

And a dyno.......

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Its hard to find a grano worker to do this as they are apparently not allow to do it anymore but in the olden days they used to sprinkle cement on top of the freshly laid concrete and trowel it in to get a smooth finish. Its very durable and a much better finish to work on IMO as the rough finish you get now just gets clogged up with grease and hard to clean. I don't like painted concrete surfaces as they mess easy.

Probably too late now but its got to be sealed very well from the elements otherwise your tools will suffer with surface rust and dust from the outside. Double brick over single brick as moisture just goes thru the first brick and definately a ceiling.

I would put a lintel anywhere in the brickwork where you would consider extending down the track. That way you can knock out that section of the wall easy if ever you considered this.

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What's the most important thing you can put in a carport/shed?

I'm gonna start with saying council approval and a relaxation if required for being too close to the boundary.

Insulation to the roof panels. Even if it's only 1" thick it will make a sh*t load of difference.

Consider your end goals for it. If you want a hoist make sure the slab can take the load or you'll be steel plating the floor anyway.

Storage!! Cupboards/shelves/benches!! Plenty of them!

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