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Centre Bearing Replacement


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  • Member For: 14y 1m 19d

See this all the time with aftermarket bearings .Especially the sh*tty repco ones.

Make sure your box to centre bearing, and centre bearing to diff angles are where they are meant to be using a dial indicator.

Obviously make sure weights are where they need to be and splines were matched.

Finally, you can get a balance done, but choose a ford dealer you feel confident with. Or there is a company in North Melbourne who can do it from memory.

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I got mine through bearing wholesalers in dandenong and it was only $70 so it wouldn't surprise me if its causing the issue.

Splines and weights are all where they should be so ill check if the bearing all lines up properly after work tonight.

It's funny that the old bearing that I replaced had completely torn out of the rubber housing and had about 30mm of movement yet it didn't send any vibrations through the driveline at speed. Used to only thud on take off.

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Well today after work I tried a few different combinations with the weights but to no success.

I decided to go with what Wilko suggested but instead of putting her up on car stands, I loosened the mounting bolts so the bearing could freely move and I took it for a drive around the block. Got back and tightened it up and took it for another spin. Big difference there! Still a bit of a shudder between 50-60 but less harsh than what I was getting before.

So now I'm not sure if I should get the tailshaft balanced still or put it down to the characteristics of the new bearing.

I went into mornington ford today and they said that it will cost me $160 to get her balanced up which I thought was reasonable by ford standards. I'll probably get her balanced up just for peace of mind and cop it on the chin if it is the bearing.

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They would have some sort of special tool/machine

To do an on vehicle balance

That's my guess

Where in melbourne are you phoon?

Edited by Wilko16
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They said it only takes an hour. Wilko is right, they have a special tool that can balance it whilst its still in the car.

They did say though that sometimes they can't get it balanced properly on the car so they take the shaft out and send it to someone else. I might ring up a few places like hardy spicer to get a couple of quotes. I reckon it should only take an hour even with taking the drive shaft out. I'm a hack mechanic and I know it would take me 15 mins max to get it out.

I'm in mount martha mate

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  • Member For: 17y 3m 17d
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Fark... Im on the other side of Victoria in altona

I was gonna say I got a few of those little weights lying around since I replaced my tailshaft was gonna give them to you to try

But your way to far away...

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