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Centre Bearing Replacement


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Hey guys. The tailshaft centre bearing in my bf typhoon sedan is well and truly cactus. There's about 30mm play in the bearing.

Does anyone know if its possible to unbolt the yoke without pressing out the uni joint in order to slide the bearing out? I was hoping to do this one at home but it looks like I might struggle.

If there's a thread with a step by step guide getting around here I'd love to have that link!

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You have to take the uni out

And depends what type of uni you have

If it has circlips holding the caps in place your in luck can be pressed out, remove the yoke and replace the centre bearing, also be a good idea to replace the uni at the same time

If it's got little crimps into the steel holding the uni caps in, you need to take the shaft to a driveline shop for them to do it

Here is a pic of the non-serviceable type


Edited by Wilko16
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It's got circlips on my uni.

I have been told by a few people that I can just punch it out with a hammer but I'm not sure if I should try it or not. I don't want to get it out and not be able to get the bastard back in haha

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Yeah just bash it out with a hammer and socket that fits in there...

I suggest just buying a new uni as it will be easier to just flog the old one out and then put a new one in,

Give you piece of mind that it's new bearing and new uni

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So I swapped out the centre bearing today. It wasn't overly difficult and I put in a new uni joint while I was there.

My issue now is that I have a vibration through the tailshaft at 60+km/h.

I lined up the two pieces of tailshaft the same as what it was. I also bolted it to the diff in the same spot that it was before.

Any other ideas that might have put it out?

I rang up my local mechanic and he reckons the tailshaft needs to be rebalanced. What do you guys think?

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I had a similar problem after replacing the uni. I put an aftermarket one in and had bad vibrations. Used genuine was better but not right. Used two nuts to space the center bearing away from the body was heaps better but still not right.

Balanced the tailshaft with the IDS and was out 500mg got it down to 30mg after the balance. Very slight vibration now and all I can put it down too is the aftermarket center bearing I did 6 months prior. It has been mentioned on here to use genuine.

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Today I put the little plastic thingys that clip onto the back of the diff bolts into the original position as they were the only thing I put in a different spot. Helped a fair bit actually but the vibration is still there.

It was a long shot but it looks like I'm still going to have to rebalance the shaft

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