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Ba/bf Xr6 Cai Questions And Ideas


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  • Member For: 9y 10m 12d

Hi all,
I recently made a pretty nice scoop for the front grill of my BF2 XR6T to funnel air up to the upper snorkel and it works well. Below is the link of how I made it.


I have also made a lower box intake pipe similar to the F6 snorkel however I am hesitant to fit it up yet becuase I am worried that by making a 2nd hole in the airbox the ram air effect from the front grill scoop I made wont be as effective because the air box will have less pressure in it as the F6 snorkel doesnt bring in ram air only ambient air from under the headlight, therefore the higher pressure ram air may just end up excaping through the F6 lower snorkel.

My question for the board is will I better off with just the front grill scoop, both under headlight and front grill scoop or running a pipe off the front of the airbox to the lower grill area then I will be bringing in ram air from the upper and lower grill. I would imagine the last option is the best but any thoughts would be greatly appreciated.



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  • Bronze Donating Members
  • Member For: 11y 7m 3d
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My opinion only, but if you've got two inlets the spray won't climb up in to the airbox too much. Let's say the worse case is highway, 110kph 50% throttle in the driving rain following a truck. Well a few things to consider there, you have control on several things eg slow down, get away from the spray, etc.

B series high output motors all have a secondary scoop (albeit shielded by the bumper a bit) but all engines will draw a little water in these conditions fairly happily. Remember too, that getting a true power mod from what you're doing probay won't happen as there are only minor gains to be had

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  • Bronze Donating Members
  • Member For: 11y 7m 3d
  • Gender: Male

If you've got multiple inlets to the box there is less suck on each port. The water also has to climb up to the filter. If you're driving through that much water it soaks the filter, you shouldn't be driving through that much water to begin with

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