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Thankyou to the positive people.

Link to my f6: http://www.carsales.com.au/private/details/Ford-Performance-Vehicles-F6-Tornado-2007/SSE-AD-943574/?Cr=0

To the negative, this is what I've been wanting to do for a long while and am now getting serious about it.

I can get a 500cui big block from states from $7000 upwards, 550hp+

I have been a member for 4 years and I know the rules about posting, hence why I have posted this in the general discussion section for discussions on any ford whether it be a turbo or not. Perhaps yous should get your eyes checked.

I will be seeking out a engineer soon enough, but was curious to see if anyone knew of someone having done this before.

The xg was the first xr6 (1993-1996)

Will keep this updated if all goes ahead :)

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Not an expert by any means in this area but im pretty sure your going to have to make it comply with emissions circa '96. So if your thinking of going carby your probably going to have trouble. There are some nice efi kits to suit carb manifolds available though. The v8 swap itself shouldnt be a drama to get engineered. Using an xr8 (was there an xg xr8 ute?) may or may not make it easier.

I know mark hays got an 632ci lc torana registered! Drives to the track and runs 8's on a radial.

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f*ck I am sick of seeing new members come on here, ask a simple question, get told not to bother or go to another forum. The f*ck guys seriously? If you dont have anything to say that actually pertains to the question being asked. Shut the fk up. Its what HE wants to do!

OP: as jet and panda have eluded to different states have different requirements, I would consult a local engineer for the exact answer. Good luck with the project!

That one aimed at me?

If so. I would take back the SHUT THE FK UP. Kind of nasty words there fella............

Edited by FPV TRANNY
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If it were me I'd be putting in a Small Big Block!

What I mean is a stroked and bored after market Small Block can get you upwards of 460ci.

A lot easier to get engineered as you can hide the true capacity.

Also the car will be nicer to drive with out the weight of a Big Block over the front end.

I'd buy a regular stock 302 Windsor ( their pretty cheap) with all the emissions crap, drop it in, get it engineered , then drop your Big Little engine in after.

That to me would be the cheapest, easiest solution!

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That one aimed at me?

If so. I would take back the SHUT THE FK UP. Kind of nasty words there fella............

Sort of, partially? Your not the first to say something like that, you weren't the only in this thread and this isn't the first thread to go down that path. Was aimed at anybody being negative in any thread really.

So sorry if you were offended, could have said it better right? Like "if you dont have anything nice to say dont say it at all" or some other fairy sh*t like that...have a teaspoon of cement mate coz it wasn't aimed squarely at you and im not the only one that feels that way.

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