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Project Thread - Where?


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Hey hey, just wondering where yuo guys put project threads, I surfed around a bit but could not find anything obvious. Im putting an XR6T engine/box into a 67 XR falcon ute :wwww:

Edited by gareth12
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  • WOT?
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There's been a fair few conversion projects come through here and not get the love they deserve.

As much as we may love and appreciate what he's doing, we really don't have anything to add to his build.

This is a very narrowly focused forum.

Don't get me wrong - that's why I am here - it's focused on what I'm interested in. That's what makes it special for me, and why I return, read and contribute.

This forum knows what it does and knows what it is.

Anything outside the focus or the "parameters" that make this forum special isn't really going to get the expertise or the community response it deserves or needs,

If he wants to talk about the 6T engine then we'll chat all day - am tipping that that's the last of his queries at the moment though.

We can go "wow", "awesome". "good job".

This is the wrong forum (unfortunately) to give him any help with fitting the engine into the car.

As I mentioned after the bit you quoted - this forum would be great for him for "chat and community". His build thread would be well read.

If I picked a wrong resource to send him towards, I apologise (not sure if there's bad blood there), but would you be able to suggest a place for him to put his build thread on this forum?

edit: as per his query - where should he post it? If we had an active subforum "6T conversions" then I wouldn't have pointed him elsewhere

edit2: my only reason for suggesting AFF is because they deal with both 1960s and 2015 equally - and discus mixing and matching which we don't come across

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  • Moar Powar Babeh
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Very easy to have a sub forum for conversions added if there is demand. Unlikely there will be demand if the first two responses op gets is go elsewhere.

Plenty of members on this forum have wide ranging knowledge Rab. Just because we don't present it every day doesn't mean it doesn't exist.

Gareth, post away right here. Once your thread has the momentum we'll decide the best place for it.

I for one would like to see it.

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  • WOT?
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100% - this is now the correct place to post your project.

Let Ralph know what you want the title to be and he should be able to update it

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If you're going to have a build thread then that means that you want to show other people what you're doing.

So, post the same stuff on different forums. Different forums have different people, with different opinions and different skill sets.

Put the photos on somewhere like Photobucket. Write the posts in a text file. Then post the resulting text in each build thread.

Build threads are a good thing. They're educational. Be a slut about it. Show everyone. More people will learn from it.

It's not a football team vs football team thing (or a brake pad brand vs brake pad brand :laughcont: ). There's no need to pick one side. Post everywhere.

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What the hell. A person comes on here and he is putting a FORD XR6 TURBO MOTOR into a FORD FALCON and we are telling him to go away to another forum.

I love doing engine conversions, old school curves coupled with modern turbo power, but my favourite would be XA or XB Coupe with XR6T Motor.

Edited by Z2TT
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