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Power To The Ground


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1. The factory Tyres on the FG are crap for the power handling , I can only talk about the Turbo model.

2. The factory traction control is sub-par if you are a careless driver do not think this is going to save you.

I can only talk about Turbo FG, but with a set of Michelin 245/45/19 Super Sports, the car would grip every gear under WOT almost all the time, once they got used and worn the grip gets worse and you begin spinning, but still better than factory tyres. These were also very good in the wet, you could drive semi quick in the wet and not wheel-spin, but I would not recommend doing that though. Great tyres, but the pleasure is short lived.

Nitto Invo from the consensus here are the best tyre for what you pay, I would probably go for a set of those if you have just a non turbo.

And yes when tyres get old their compound can harden and give some very bad grip.

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Anyone use hancook ventus rs3? I read they are damn good in the wet

Think theres a taleb thread about them? I wouldn't say damn good in wet...but decent im sure. Wombat (cant remember username - has a emperor g6et I think) rated them pretty highly.

I have 275 advans(or some sh*t...) and it will spin them easily in 4th 60k's in the wet.

Hey barnz. When you get a moment can you check exactly what you have? How many kms have they been used for?

I have advan neova ado8r...they spin pretty easy, but then grip mid way through the spinning. Only rained once since ive had it and they didn't slip in the wet (although I never go more than half throttle in the wet)

And OP, definitely sounds like tyres getting old. I've never had OEM...but pretty sure people on here refer to them as DUNFLOPS for a reason? Lol

Edited by PTR_NITRO_FG
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  • I'm getten too old for this s**t
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I wanna know how dafark you get 45 thou on rear tyres

I only get 7 or 8 thou

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