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Fiftyone's Bitsa Build


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Ute's running & driving a treat. No clunks or rattles that weren't there before hand and to my surprise, no codes thrown as yet either.

But, I am conceeding defeat re the FG pipework. Yes, 100% it CAN be made to work, talking to a guy I work with who's ex FPV during the BA BF & in to coyote development, the initial ideas were to have a similar design to what is shown, with something similar to a EB style manifold near the headlight. For a heap of reasons I won't go in to right now, that ford chose not to do this, as we know. So for now I've got the rest of the Nizpro kit on order which will go on and it will be sent for tuning.

Two reasons have driven me to this point;

1, I've suspected since I've owned the ute that it's had a pretty hard life and not much love which has taken it's toll on a couple of critical parts, namely gearbox and turbo. These really need to be attended to

2, Work is about to step up a notch. We're 1 step away from people wanting to scream at each other and as with the state of the government right now who's project I'm working on, it's a basket case at the best of times

In all I've proved enough this can be done though. There are a couple of things that people should consider if they give this a go though. Boxing up that dam filter is a right PITA. With molded pipework, much like the cast alloy part on the battery side, and a flex piece in to the TB, this would be easy. The other issues this then creates is how you wrap the shielding around the TB, thermostat, BOV, Pod, AC lines, cold side pressure sensor line and still somehow get air in and keep heat out. Last two issues are mounting the plastic cross piece and then the flex hose to the filter. I've had to oval out the flex piece which means during hot days in traffic that thing will want to collapse under vacuum (potentially) The other is how you hold isolate the cross piece

I'd love to have got this to work but at the moment I've been beaten so that'll all be for someone else to experiment with. If anyone has any questions about this, please have a chat & ask!

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Really need an fg rocker cover to make the cross over work which means fg coils ect. I think the 3582 sits a smidge further forward. Wouldn't even notice it until you put the muffler on, sits very close to PS pump on an fg as it is. Fg coldside piping may have helped as it comes up very close to the location of the nizzy plenums tb location. Airbox would have to be custom no matter what.

So a lot of work and I'd have to ask why......?

Edited by barnz
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Cause I got to learn something. Lots of people said it couldn't be done but could never tell me why it was the case. I know for certainty now. Also, as I saw it the bigger issue was ovaling out the flex pipe.

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Well don't take it the wrong way I just don't see the point with the niz plenum as it didn't look stock or stealth lol, was actually looking alright though. But I'm all about people having a go and not just handing over dosh the whole way. Its no way to learn...

Why don't you fab your own turbo side and battery relo? Plenty to learn and save there!

Edited by barnz
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If you think this is difficult, I work on an 8 tonne military truck with a South-North engine, an ISG going in to two 90' drives then in to a N-S gearbox mounted beside the block. Half the cooling pack is mounted on top of the gearbox. Oh, and they want to put more parts in to make it euro5 compliant. You think this is/was a hassle? na, it's just the process to me. From what I've seen it can be done, I just don't have the time to continue it for now. It'll get revisited some day.

Re a 'stock' look though, a PW style plenum doesn't look near stock lets be honest. At least a blue nizzy to the uneducated is semi believable

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Well being unaware of your mad skillz I had no idea what degree of difficulty that sort of fabrication is to you.

Me I'm not great at sheet metal work(think I made a toolbox once at school) so I'm going to have a go. Also want to learn to weld, well.

Edited by barnz
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  • in the mid....not the bum like some
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FG plenum and power steering relocation may have helped allot.

The FG turbo exhaust manifold places the turbo about 20mm closer to the firewall also compared to B series and sits the turbocharger in a low/mid mount position when fitted to a B series car.

This helps with the cone clearance on the silencer.

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