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Xr6T Dashboard / Tune Error


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stock rims and tyres trying to stay sleeper lol anyone know of another tuning shop in melbounre eatern suburbs maybe a second opinion on the tune might shed some light

dunno running out of ideas...

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As silly as this might sound... (AND ASSUMING EVERYTHING OBVIOUS HAS BEEN CHECKED) I had a VR V8 back in the day when they were cool...(This was just after my 5 Speed Late model camira Turbo...for the record the turbo was a much faster car...which is why I haven't bought a V8 since)...anyway, I had these weird errors and erratic speedo and tacho problems which we couldn't diagnose.

After checking the obvious such as battery and earth cables etc...it was finally found that one of the ignition leads had a small split in it, causing it to arc under heavy load...(im not really sure how this affected the instrument panel, but once the lead was changed, it fixed the problem.

I totally agree that the above sounds silly, and unfounded...but maybe have a look at your coil packs, as there might be a chance they are arcing under load, and causing the issue...(I ADMIT IT IS A LONG SHOT AND I DON'T MEAN TO SEND YOU ON A WILD GOOSE CHASE)

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we can look at it, but we can not adjust another tuners tune if it was done with SCT, but yours appears to be done with HP but even so we would start from scratch with SCT due to some issues, but it is something I could not even quote as there are so many unknowns, we are often fixing issues that other shops can't or will not fix

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I think you have an issue with the vss setting and/or the sensors on the wheels/tone rings .... ( seen excessively dirty tone rings cause issues before ) Then leading up towards where these join into the loom and plugs in to the ecu

Go to the ecu and un plug the connectors underneath and re plug them in, it "sounds" like you have a loose connection

Go check and pay attention to how it all "un clips" then re clips in

When they replaced the ECU did they re connect the earth/s that are riveted to the engine bay ? ( take a pik of the computer section of your car if unsure and post it )

Edited by Wombat Bellend
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  • To Loud
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Is there any possibility of connecting an elm327 device to the car first and checking what codes have come up before taking the car anywhere.

Surely there would be some sort of code showing up if he used forscan or even torque.

This would give everyone a better idea of what it may be?

Edited by masda74
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I agree but iam making the assumption this guy has no way of checking fault codes and or HPF should of done this first so making another shoddy assumption this has not thrown codes

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Here is a list of the Codes found by HPF on the day

P0701 Transmission ... Fixed cleared never come back found some oil in the CAN buss connector on the transmission

P1386 VCT B2 Over Advanced (Timing chain gears and guides now all replaced)

P1900 Can comm bus fault

U2514 VSS this is the result of the speedo reading zero while the car is moving

They spent over a full day trying to find anything in the CAN bus that would cause the error including pulling various parts of the loom while it was running under load lol they burnt through half a tank of petrol

I think its going to come down to the P1900 error but even ford handed the car back as it didn't play up once while they had it lol yet every other day it will do it all day long

I don't think they actually drove it under full boost. They just said no charge replace the timing chain it will be 800 labour plus parts lol .. ended up having chain guides and all done for $640.00

just reading around on google someone else had a misfire at 4000 - 4500 and a can bus error ended up actually being the Turbo Actuator had a broken diaphragm any thoughts on this ?

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Side note took it out tonight have noticed un even idle after the event to the point it can cut the motor out if you accelerate hard then back off to a full stop.

the problem does not occur with revving in neutral or park out to over 6k rpm only happens under load in hard acceleration

thanks for all the ideas guys.

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