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Twin Plate Or Single Plate Clutch


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  • Moar Powar Babeh
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If you want to slide the things a cerametallic will be your only real option.

I ran an mwa op4 12 puck sprung centre for a few years and as Gaz posted, quick blip and release as the revs fall, slipping will cause wild shudder.

My last clutch was an organic opt 5 solid centre and to be honest you couldn't tell.

It handled 2nd/3rd clutch kicks well enough to snap cv's in the rear end. Shorter service life if worked hard obviously.

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This seems the most relevant and recent thread...

My clutch is not coping at all after the retune so I need to make some choices.

95% of my driving is fairly moderate, just daily duties, but need something to take the abuse when it's called for.

Thought I didn't have much choice other than decent duty twin plate, but bamk2f6tornado's post below made me think again.

Iv got the npc organic single in my Tornado aswel with similar power to yours.
It's not even run in yet but I'm pretty happy with pedal feel and it engages nice and early in pedal travel and not right against the fire wall like the old clutch I had. The bloke at npc said it will (if treated nicely) be fine with sticky tyres at the drags and running 295nt05's daily and cop a fair bit of abuse. He Also said the 430kw ratings are fairly conservative and has those clutches in cars pushing high 400's.

I'll be running 98 tune at least 75% of the time, 382rwkw

e85 438rwkw will be fun tune only

So far have npc single and twin plate organic options, and ACS/Xtreme twin plate organic

Would be interested to know what sort of cars are running high 400s with the single...I'm guessing that it would cope a lot better with say the power of an NA v8 than midrange of a 450+ xr6T?

Any thoughts?

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That's cos u like to kick it sideways in fifth lol ;)

You're probably right, just seems a bit of overkill/overspend when it will hardly be on e85, the npc single plate is proven and more than enough for my 98 tune

But I don't want to do this again either, so....

I guess question is will I regret paying the extra $1K for the twin plate more than I would regret not paying it

Which I guess is where the Xtreme twin plate organic comes in

$2000 flat, rated to 525rwkw

Can anybody on here comment on them?

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You would get the twin plate organic extreme for less then 2000. I got the ceramic for 1680.

I believe Brett lulland had a organic twin plate in his monster gt and loved it.

And now I've spent some time with my ceramic and run it in a bit I would nearly recommend it as a daily. Nearly

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2000 for the xtreme organic is incl gst, I also got a price of 1680 + gst for the ceramic

Not worried about whether the xtreme organic has the balls, more whether anyone who fitted it had any issues

The guy who I have lined up to supply and install it does npc all the time and likes their setup

He hasn't fitted an xtreme before, but knows all the differences between the two, couple of small tech details he preferred the npc - don't ask me what exactly, I don't remember

He's more than happy to fit the xtreme, but I'm treading carefully, mainly because of this thread http://www.fordxr6turbo.com/forum/topic/41540-which-clutch/ and the sh*tfight it turned into...

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Because approx $650 more

Yeh for sure often cheaper = actually more but not always the case, don't think it is here.

You bought an xtreme ceramic, I bet npc makes a more expensive ceramic? And you seem pretty happy with it.

Convo last night went something like this:

Discussing plans for outdoor entertaining area, other costs etc

Wife: "so the ute is finished, isn't it"

Me: "errr...well. Not really...Clutch is pretty shagged ay"

Wife: (Look of absolute disbelief) "I thought you got that done years ago!"

Me: "Yeah..turns out it wasn't that great" (silently cursing previous tuner's strong recommendations and my ignorance)

Wife: "So how much to replace it?"

Me: "Well...2500-3000"

Wife: Silence, shoulders sag.

Me: Silence. Guilt.

lol these cars will always be 'the other woman'

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1750 to your door.

I have built my car by trying to extend my pennies as far as they will go (aka why my build thread is called budget build), and yes NPC,DCS were all 2500-2800.

I don't know anyone with the organic version but I do have an email address of the engineer from xtreme. He was super helpful and didn't bullsh*t on like a salesman.


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