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Installing Superpro Front Lower Control Arm Inner Rear Bush


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Ah damn, that sucks. Thanks anyway dude, appreciate it.

If you don't mind, is there any chance you can post up a pic of what you used to press the bush in? I'm just trying to get an idea and make sure its what I'm thinking of.

Gonna speak to Pat from Wholesale Suspension tomorrow to get another pair and will have a chat to him as well about the best way to get these in. Worst case scenario I'll take the arms and the bushes to a suspension shop and get them to install them for me.

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  • Moar Powar Babeh
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Not fancy but works very well. Washers and bolt are actually from a Caterpillar D10t intercooler mount of all things.

It has enough force to push the bush in be not enough to hurt anything.

Stock bush for illustration purposes.


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Thanks mate. That's exactly what I was picturing in my head.

With the stock bush this is ok, as the top of it is flat, but with the Superpro, the poly bit sticks out maybe 5mm, so when you're pushing it in, you're making contact with the poly bit of the bush only, rather than the outer metal shell. This is what I was worried about, as I figured if I kept pressing on that, it would squash it and it would eventually split. Are you saying you pushed yours in this way without it splitting? I might give your method another go if that's the case (FYI, I did try a very similar method to yours, using a home made tool, but again I used a metal sleeve and pressed on the outer shell, which caused it to bend).

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  • Moar Powar Babeh
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I've probably done 20 sets with that setup without splitting any bushes. With a little grease on the face of the bush they are surprisingly resilient. I wouldn't attempt to press on the outer lip as it's quite thin.

Don't forget that bush copes a whole heap of braking force from the car so any force to install it is minimal in comparison

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Hey Ralph,

Gave your method a shot with a new set of bushes today, after keeping them in the freezer overnight and they went in a treat! Slid in pretty easily initially, but at around 3/4 of the way in it got really tight and I just watched the poly compress right down like a pancake and almost bulge over the lip. Sh!t myself, but decided to keep tightening anyway as I had no other choice given it was almost all the way in. Went in eventually with no damage to the bush.

Just an FYI, I called Superpro/Fulcrum to confirm the correct way to fit these bushes, more as a precaution so that I don't fark up a second set and be out of pocket twice and they also confirmed they press them in directly on the poly bit of the bush and that if it splits it means there's something wrong with it.

Thankfully the big front ones were a breeze to install.

Cheers for your help!

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