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Installing Superpro Front Lower Control Arm Inner Rear Bush


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Hi Guys,

I've just completed a rear-end rebuild in Superpro bushes, started doing the fronts today and got to the front lower control arm inner rears, and I'm stuck.

I've tried pressing this in the same as I've pressed most of the others, using a 20 ton press and steel sleeve encasing the poly bit of the push and pressing on the steel shell, but as these have a leading edge that sits on the control arm, the leading edge of the steel shell just bent when I tried pressing it in. I didn't want to press directly on the poly bush as I was worried it would split from the pressure.

My description probably isn't best, but below is the bush I'm trying to install and if you look at the pics you'll see what I'm talking about:


That steel border around the blue bushing is where I pressed, and it bent.

I'm going to need another one now as I've ruined this one, but I just want to know the correct way to press this in so that I don't break the other one, or if someone can point me in the right direction to purchase a correct sized steel sleeve to get the job done.

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I replaced mine a few months ago and it was a PR!CK of a job pressing those bushes in.

All I can say is make sure the bush and hole is well lubed and the hole is clean and rust free.

And make sure you have them dead straight once you start pressing.

I think next time I will take the arm to a shop to have the bushes pressed in.

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  • Moar Powar Babeh
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I use a couple of large quite thick flat washers and a length of high tensile threaded rod, with a socket as a receiving tube.. It helps if you lube up the bore in the arm and leave the bushes in the freezer overnight to shrink before installing.

To prevent damaging the polyon the end of the bush lube the crap out of it so the pressing tool slides as it rotates instead of biting in.

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Hey mate,

*beep* of a job is right! Lol. Did you manage to press in the one I'm talking about?

I have now bent 2 of them in the exact same way. I felt like tearing my hair out! I tried 2 different methods but couldnt get it in. I lubed the crap out of it but no joy. It bent when the bush was half way in.

None of the other bushes gave me this much trouble.

At this stage I'm tempted to just take the arms and a new set of bushes and get a suspension shop to press them in for me.

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Hey Ralph,

Did you press directly on the poly part of the bush,rather than pressing on the outer ring? I thought pressing on the poly part of the bush would cause it to split?

Didnt try the freezer method, that would've made things easier I think.

Edited by xpl0sive
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  • Member For: 10y 10m
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Yeah I did press both in but it diffinitly wasn't a straight forward job.

As soon as I felt I was applying to much pressure I would back it off and try again.

Ralph's method sounds like a winner.

I know I won't be pressing the next set in.

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