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Bf Mk2.5 Home Build - 309Rwkw On 15Psi


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More racing has happened! Only got 3 runs due to a very busy night and a couple of clean ups on the track, but got the 60' down a bit which was the aim, and it ran nice and consistent. Still a bit to be made up in the 1st to 2nd change, but happy with the result for the night. This was launching with 6psi on the 255 et streets


Going in for some fresh engine mounts next weekend along with some minor street tune touch up work and some Nitto Invo's for the rear

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  • 3 weeks later...
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A bit of an update. A few things have been happening the last few weeks. I have been driving a stock bf turbo for a while, and Tim has been kind enough to babysit my car along with doing some more road tuning and more importantly the new engine mounts have been fitted!



Today was a big day. I have left my job and have a bit of time up my sleeve. Today was also the day that my new FG plenum arrived!!



It has some minor damage but should be fine. I have been wanting to improve the piping setup on the car and when we realised these things are worth about the same as a throttle body relocation kit the decision was made to give it a go. The final cost will be a bit more but it should be a massive improvement in intercooler piping and hope to see throttle response improvements too.

I am also considering running FG ID1000 injectors to get the car running a bit smoother in the "daily use" range, flick these cheap 60 pound jobs. I would have to space the current injectors to fit in the fg rail anyway but chance to upgrade and hopefully improve the car. The plenum came with fuel rail and reg which should make life easier.

Next step is to decide between custom cold side piping or adapting a pre made kit to suit.

Once all that is done the plan is to do a DIY turbo side intake and airbox and get rid of the under battery intake. An FG exhaust manifold has been considered but not sure if it's worth the bother messing around trying to make it fit with my current exhaust.

Finally when all this gear is finished we will get it back on the dyno and hopefully pull a fair bit more power than last time, then back to the track of course! Pretty keen to get stuck into this manifold and try something new.

Edited by IT15ON
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  • 2 weeks later...
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Sunday arvo we made a start on the car, plan being to get all this new gear on and tuned ready for racing this weekend.


First up we wired the FG throttle body in roughly to test.


After a quick check all seemed fine, and so the car was pulled apart. After a bit of persuasion the manifold was off and we took a chance to compare the two side by side, you can see just how much simpler the FG one is compared to BF.



The throttle body is also a lot different in size, the FG is tiny compared to BF. I can see why guys have bonnet clearance issues running a BF TB with adapter plate on the FG plenum. We are using the FG TB to avoid the issue.



The FG plenum was trial fitted but hit the hard lines below the thermostat housing. We found a tool in the shed that would sort this out.....


Once the plenum was in the wiring was finalized. BF TB runs two plugs off the loom, whereas the FG is all in the one plug. We had to redo some wiring to make it compatible, but overall worked out being a fairly straightforward job.



New KPM 1000cc injectors are also going to make life easier, a full data sheet will be very handy, and they were ordered in FG size so bolt straight in to the FG rail & manifold with no spacers.


The whole show bolted in looking a lot neater than the old crossover pipe setup.



The new injector data was used along with new FG TB gain settings, before a test start. Got it going first try!!


Next step is custom cold side piping to suit then the road tuning begins.....

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  • Sandtrap Motorsport
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Re: FG intake, I used the MonstaTorque BF harness to FG TB patch loom, worked a treat

Also, I used BF piping kit (bizpro cobra kit) and extended it to suit FG manifold

Re: turbo manifold

The cast dump on the FG is shorter, a BF cast dump will foul on the block if you run FG turbo manifold

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