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Bf Mk2.5 Home Build - 309Rwkw On 15Psi


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Ooooh failed ball joint vids!  Here's mine



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Thanks for the support guys. I took it to a panel shop I have used before for jobs on customer's vehicles through work so I'm glad I know a shop I can trust. Will post results in the coming weeks...

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Get good at your own before you try offering your services to others or someone might get hurt

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On 22/04/2016 at 2:28 PM, IT15ON said:

New ball joint - tick


5 wheel nuts not done up - tick


Go and have some real fun... have one let go at 85km/h with four other people in the car.  









On 22/04/2016 at 3:47 PM, JETURBO said:

K Mart Tyre and auto ?


On 22/04/2016 at 4:01 PM, -Stever- said:


Have heard rumours that they are getting some sort of contract for vehicle inspections here in WA.....LOL


K Mart have been doing vehicle inspections for a while now.




On 22/04/2016 at 2:28 PM, IT15ON said:


Well another front left ball joint has failed, after only being in there 6 months. Roadsafe brand won't be going in my car again.


I used to get my control arms done at Wilkinson Suspension every 18 months or so.  They use Roadsafe bushes and ball joints.


I was getting 80-90,000km before there was movement in the ball joints, and the bushes were completely stuffed by 110,000km.


Then I learned to do it myself.  When I put complete Roadsafe lower control arms on one car a couple of years ago there was movement in both ball joints (ie each side) at 38,000km.  Roadsafe stuff doesn't go near any of my cars any more.


At Wilkinson Suspension I was paying $23 per Roadsafe ball joint.  The genuine Ford ones last much longer, and can be found for around $30 each on eBay.  Do a search for the part number - B3395A.


Replacing ball joints at home isn't difficult - you just need something to push the old ones out, and press the new ones in.  Radum sell a kit, or do a search on eBay for "ball joint press tool" and you'll find options for under $100.  Either keep the kit for later use, or resell it on Gumtree once you've done the job (you'll get back what you pay for the tool).  


eg  http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/Press-fit-Type-Ball-Joint-Tool-Frame-Service-Carbon-Steel-Truck-Brake-Anchor-Pin-/151774690205?hash=item235679fb9d:g:ZNkAAOSw~gRVyHDY


I bought the expensive G & G Technics mini-press for $350, but since then I've been regretting paying that much since I've discovered the cheaper options.  If anyone wants to buy a slightly used G & G Technics mini-press for $349 then let me know.  


These days I check for movement in the ball joints whenever I've got the front wheels off.  I try to move the control arm up and down, and watch for movement at the rubber boot on the ball joint.  I keep two spare new ball joints at home, and replace existing ones as soon as there is the slightest bit of movement.  I'm a tad paranoid about ball joints these days...


The photo guide that I did a while ago:  



On 22/04/2016 at 2:28 PM, IT15ON said:

5 wheel nuts not done up - tick


I'm a nerd.   I use a torque wrench to tighten wheel nuts to ensure consistency.  That's all part of my strategy to avoid brake shudder (ie uniform pressure on the disc rotors).


I do it with the front of the car jacked up, but with the wheel just touching the ground so that it wont rotate.  I want no interference on the wheel studs and nuts when I tighten them up.


The Ford service manual specifies 125Nm.  The FPV section specifies 135Nm.  I go with 125.



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That damage looks wild phil. I bet it was a fun ride - driving customers or friends?

My mate tim usually helps getting them done with his on car tool, so the arm doesn't have to come off. Reasonable job to do but unfortunately time issues and the fact that he lives 300km away led to me paying to get the job done. It seems like roadsafe had a bad batch go through, we have used them in past with ok results but not on my car. My uppers are still roadsafe and are fine touch wood.

Your diy guides are always thorough well done I've read through before

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Just now, IT15ON said:

That damage looks wild phil. I bet it was a fun ride - driving customers or friends?

My mate tim usually helps getting them done with his on car tool, so the arm doesn't have to come off. Reasonable job to do but unfortunately time issues and the fact that he lives 300km away led to me paying to get the job done. It seems like roadsafe had a bad batch go through, we have used them in past with ok results but not on my car. My uppers are still roadsafe and are fine touch wood.

Your diy guides are always thorough well done I've read through before emoji106.png


That was in a taxi, in early 2009.   3:30am on a Wednesday night.  That AU had 1.1 million km on it, and apart from the ball joint that let go that night it drove well.


I had four male passengers in the car when that ball joint let go at 85km/h.  I remember looking at the speedo and holding that steering wheel as firmly as I could.  When the speedo got below 60 I was relieved, as I figured that below that speed we were't at risk of flipping over (ie if the car drifted to one side and hit a kerb).  


When the car stopped we all got out and all four guys shook my hand.  I got on the radio and got another taxi to come pick them up.  


I didn't know anything about ball joints at the time, so was terrified of driving that car after that night.  I drove it every night for another six weeks.  


The company that owned that car is one of the dodgiest in Perth.  They are anti-maintenance. 


Ball joints:  Get the Ford ones.  They're close to the same price as the Roadsafe ones, but last longer.  


The upper ones last almost forever - they don't have the pressure on them that the lower ones do.


For a tool, check on eBay for "ball joint press tool".  There are ones listed on there for less than $100, including delivery.  It's not like it's going to wear out - something like that you'll keep forever.  

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Today is day 5 with no car. The sound of spool and push of boost are becoming a distant memory. I think the withdrawals start to set in from this point on.

Today also marks day 5 with no insurance claim submitted by the workshop. They delayed and made me take the car to get a second quote on tuesday, and now have not had time to look at it since. So no claim number, no opportunity to chase a hire car, no nothing. I have been more than fair in my opinion, not carrying on when it happened, no facebook posts, no public name and shame of their shop, but they dont seem to care about me having no transport. Wish me luck comrades, I may be in the fetal position covered in sweat by the weekend..

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