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Nulon Nationals 2015


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Hi guys,

Not sure how many people here are familiar with the 'Nulon Nationals', it is a multi round motorsport event that puts car clubs up against each other where points are earned at each round to find a winner come the end of it all.

There are 4 rounds this year,

The first round has already been run at Sydney a Motorsport Park and was a Motorkhana event. Unfortunately the Ford team placed last in this event. Here is a video of round 1.

Round 2 is going to be held at the Bulahdelah Hill Climb on the 28th of March and there is a very strong bunch of cars representing the Ford guys this time around. Round 2 team includes,

Paul Noble in his circuit prepped daily driven FG XRT, fastest Circuit/Street Fg I'm aware of.


Jim Cowdan in his GT40, Jim built this car himself, including making the full aluminium body.


Brett Luland in his 'CANFRY' FG Gt with massive power.


Andrew Bronier in his supercharged TS50


Adam Burgess in his RX7 race car, who drives a a Ford as a daily.


Round 3 will be held at Wakefield Park in July I believe and the last round is going to be held at Cootamundra airport as a drag racing event.

I figured I'd get a thread up about it, I'm sure there's a lot of track guys interested in following this like myself

I'll try keep this thread up to date, but your best bet is to check it out on the Nulon Nationals Facebook page for all the pictures and videos. https://www.facebook.com/nulonnationals

Here is the full video from last year. Plenty more on YouTube,


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I competed at 2 rounds last year.

Wakefield and the airport run at Cootamundra and I've got to say; awesome atmosphere, awesome event!!

Unlike anything I have ever done.

Grass roots, amateur event for the average Joe Public forum member; be it in a HSV, mx5, Evo, Skyline, 86 or whatever.

The vibe is electric and relaxed at the same time. Each competitor proud of his/her chosen badge, willing to showcase what it can do in a number of disciplines.

Khana, Circuit, Hillclimb, drags.

However, what the general public and car community don't realize, is how fast these xr6 turbo family saloon cars really are!

As many of you know, mine's my daily driven work car, circuit car and occasional drag car (soon to be Hillclimb car end of March)

Spend some $ on suspension/brakes track time, and you have a track weapon that will surprise Evo's.


Really looking forward to the next round.

Will do my best to do Ford proud.

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Yep, but am too old/scared to put in a decent time on these sort of ballsy road courses. ;)

Think I finished in the bottom 10 cars, but having said that, there weren't exactly any slow cars there either!

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I'm happy that at least a few falcon guys are keen on these style of events ;) I just leave this sort of driving for the mountainous cruises haha

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