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Xr8 Bonnet Through Insurance


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Had a little accident in my fg xr6t yesterday (not my fault) and the bonnet requires replacing wanting to get it replaced with an xr8 bonnet. just wondering if anyone has done something like this and is it possible for the repairer to do? Will offer to pay the difference if necessary.

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  • Member For: 12y 1m 8d
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Just tell the repairer what you want to do when he quotes it up, he has probably already done it for someone in the past. There wont be much difference, if any in ''his'' price from ford for an xr8 bonnet compared to a xr6t bonnet. He can allow for it in his quote anyway.......If its going through insurance you shouldn't have to pay the difference if there is any unless the repairer is an uptight *beep*.

I know a certain smash repairer that pays $160 for a genuine f6 xr8 bonnet unpainted. I think the trade price from ford is 600+. That is how much markup there is on some parts.

Edited by I JET
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Genuine xr8 bonnet for $160. Untrue. I work in a smash repairs.

Why would he not have to pay the difference? Of course you will have to pay the difference.

He cannot just allow for it in his quote at all through insurance. The insurance company will only authorise parts that are on the car. The assessor will knock it straight off the quote, along with them getting in trouble for not quoting it properly in the first place.

If you want the XR8 bonnet, they will have to quote for a plain bonnet, and you will have to the cover the extra. Which is going to be alot.

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everybody's prices differ and yes $160 was this particular businesses price from ford for a genuine unpainted fg xr8 bonnet, I was shocked too, but I was there when he made the phone call to ford.

Believe me I'm not suggesting to list it on the quote and than try to slip it through under there noses.....

You obviously know more than me cause you work in the game, but the last time I had insurance work done, it was quoted by the repairer, photos of the damage along with the quote were sent to the insurance company, it was all approved, than the work was carried out....there was no assessment done by the insurance company.

My way of thinking was it could be taken into account when quoting the job. Obviously it cannot if there is a huge price difference in the bonnets.

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Sorry to inform you but you car was assessed. It was just done online. When the repairer sent through there quote and images, a assessor desktop assessed the damaged, made his adjustments and sent it back to the repairer. No insurance work is carried out without an assessment & authority.

Had a little accident in my fg xr6t yesterday (not my fault) and the bonnet requires replacing wanting to get it replaced with an xr8 bonnet. just wondering if anyone has done something like this and is it possible for the repairer to do? Will offer to pay the difference if necessary.

Unfortunately your car being out of warranty the repairer will depending on the insurance company be asked to use a recycled bonnet. If they are allowed $300 for this, they should have no problem in you paying the difference for xr8 bonnet. I think aftermarkets run for around $400ish and are of decent fit these days. Just ask them to trial ft before paint. Genuine Xr8 bonnets list price is something ridiculous like $1800 so they cant sneak that though either. These days most insurance companies quoting and assessing packages check the repairers part number and price against the dealer prices to confirm your not pulling there leg. Just talk to your repairer before and make sure your not sent to a rapid repair faciltiy.

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^spot on.

Still not buying it on bonnet being $160. No chance.

JET50T is correct, your car would of been assessed, there are a few ways to do it, but the insurance company would of looked at either photos, or the car in person before it got green lighted to have work carried out on the car. You do not need to be present for this.

Also correct, MOST insurers will only authorise recycled parts on cars out of warranty in a lot of cases.

Your best bet like Jet said is pay the extra for an after market. You can't buy a used one for $160. Not even close.

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It's absolute crap that when we pay insurance premiums that insurers

Be allowed to use recycled parts on cars especially with what we pay for premiums. Anyone in the know on here would you guys know if insurers have that in writing in there PDS (product disclosure statement) that they are authorised to use recycled parts?

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Getting anything out of them is like blood out of a stone. Even a call back these days is too much to ask.

Surely $160 for an XR8 bonnet would be aftermarket item. Even the genuine under bonnet protection goes for more than $160

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