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Friday 6Th Cruise

Krazy Kyle

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Do you work with Phil?

He does the taxi computer stuff at a certain taxi company.

I stopped by at that company today and said a quick hello. Gave him the usual lecture about how he needs to upgrade his brakes from the standard stuff before going beyond his existing 335rwkw.

I was actually there because a taxi backed into my Tornado on Saturday night and did a runner (when I was out working in my own taxi).

Rather amusing - he's hit the wrong car - someone who knows the taxi business rather well (including the 24/7 GPS tracking).

Thus, the taxi (and driver) have been identified. A message has been sent to the driver via the taxi computer, so I'll wait and see if I hear back from him.

If not, then the Dept of Transport gets involved. There is not enough lubricant in the world to handle the arse-raping they'll give him.

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  • To Loud
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Hit and run... You should report it to the police. I hate them f*ckers. Happens to the misses car often at the hospital. At least you can track him/her down.

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Phill, I'll know when and where he reads that message lol. I might have to keep an eye on this.

And masda, stuff the police. The DOT love dealing with taxi drivers.

Edited by RB Snake
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Hit and run... You should report it to the police. I hate them f*ckers. Happens to the misses car often at the hospital. At least you can track him/her down.

Yeah, but then I can't extort...err... negotiate with him about paying me promptly.

There will be... "negotiations".

It won't be cheap for him.

Rock ----> Him <---- Hard place.

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Phill, I'll know when and where he reads that message lol. I might have to keep an eye on this.

Teresa and I had a lovely chat about it all.

Damn shame you can't do a camera download there to see how much he craps himself when I give him the options.

- Dept of Transport - Driver Conduct, and whatever else they want to throw at him.

- Police - leaving the scene of an accident. Failure to report an accident. Probably chuck in Careless Driving as well.

- Dept of Transport - round 2 - possible suspension or cancellation of taxi driver's licence for no longer being a "fit and proper person".

Or pay me $2-3000 immediately.

Or I get an expensive quote that involves replacing the front bumper. What does a genuine FPV front bumper cost new? $4000ish?

Not gonna be his best day. But, he chose it. If he had left a note at the time then we'd discuss a cheap fix ($500) but that option won't exist now.

I'll post photos in the build thread later. It was an intriguing time figuring it all out yesterday afternoon.

Edited by PhilMeUp
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