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Heated Seats - Melbourne


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Ok, so far your tips have been:

1. Try a different car

2. Try not being gay

3. Try petty theft

4. Try changing my diet

Thanks for your help lads, really appreciate it!

Ron. How's about a mannequin with an electrically heated bum? Your Mrs can place it on the drivers seat till she returns. Or move north to Sydney. You know Melbourne is the gateway to the South Pole!! The upside for XR6T drivers is turbos LOVE Melbourne's cold air. zarkie.com.au = heated pants for motor bike riders. Get a female mannequin - nothing worse than seats that have been warmed by male bums.

Edited by PAH
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nothing worse than seats that have been warmed by male bums.


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Ron. After all the mucking about, OK to add a half serious response?? Google this mate: www.power-tech.com.au or call them on 1800 422 832. Looks like they're in Melbourne (makes sense ; - ) If I am not sadly mistaken, the Telstra 9736 Exchange Code is Mt Evelyn or thereabouts. I used to be a Telecom Line Faultman on Mt Dandenong and know what it's like to have to fix aerial lead-in cables downed by the snow. Hope this helps mate.


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See the bike in my Avatar? It's a ZRX1200 NAKED bike. Sounds like it might suit you?

What's this turbo Torana caper? You got one? I had a 1973 GTR Torana back in the 1970's (wish I had it now). The irony is that it'd now be worth $40k to $60k as a 40+ year old car that wouldn't hold a candle to an XR6T. And my 2008 XR6T might pull $20k if I am lucky? My first car was a 1970 GTS V8 Monaro. That'd be worth a buck or two too.


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1200cc!! Bikes scare me, my balls wouldn't be happy on that seat.

I still got the torana but needs a bit of work to brakes body and trim. Its a Lx sedan with a reliable 500+rwhp turbo blue motor with yella terra alloy head. In 1995 I had 300rwhp with a draw thru T04 setup to late 90s with programable fuel injection, intercooler around the 500rwhp. They were the good old days cause you could blow everyone considering 500atw in a 1250kg car. Back then a bosch 044 was $550 and tuning info hard to come by.

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It was quick but 3.08 rear gears would just take out 3rd gear on the supra 5 sp. So then I went to 3.55 to save the box and it just does not load up the same in 1st and 2nd. I wish I went trimatic back in the day but back then they were known as a problem box but then one guy started modifying them and moded they turned out OK.

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