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Am I Getting A Good Price ?


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  • Location: Mt Waverley, VIC 3149

Hi, I'm a newbie, currently driving a MY99 modified WRX. It's coming time to change cars and have had a leasing quote for a XR6 Turbo, auto, with tow pack, tints, mudflaps, mats, premium sound and alarm upgrade. RRP $48002 + onroads.

Leasing cost (novated finance, 25000km, fully maintained) :

$13547 + residual of $27886 incl gst = $41434 inclusive of onroads, insurance, petrol for 25,000km and servicing. Taking away say $4500 for insurance, petrol and servicing, it means the car will cost me $36934 incl onroads. I knows it's a great price but was just wondering, what are people managing to negotiate down to these days ??? I know Ford offer large fleet discounts, but are people off the street able to also negotiate sizeable discounts ??? I'm just wondering about how good my lease deal REALLY is in the real world and not just compated with the RRP which we know nobody ever pays ....

Thanx in advance.

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Hi Yeec and welcome. As I understand it your net lease cost is $13547 (12 month lease)which is approx $25,000 off your gross wage for the year (if over $60,000), similar set up to mine, so if you add residual, to get your $41,434 this will be your total net loss for the year including everything, if you get say $38,000 trade in or sale, you will have a final net loss of approx $3400, I believe this is cheap motoring, I doubt you or anyone off the street will get much better unless the're an employee or similar. good luck with your new xr6turbo, they are awsome

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  • SLOJAM, Gone but not forgotten
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The single BIG saving you will get from Novation is the car is GST Free since your employer gets an ionput tax credit. No one off the street can do that. Then on top of that you may get fleet discounts depending on who your employer is.

BTW is this a 12mth lease?

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  • ....Time to lay this fairytale aside......
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A newbie!!!.........leave him alone....he's mine......

Whatchya wearin'? ;)

Oh,......and welcome to the forum. :innocent:

Seems like you got a good deal there. :banghead:

Poetic license from our esteemed brother,...........Ken........... sought. :pinch:

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  • Member For: 21y 1m 3d
  • Location: Mt Waverley, VIC 3149

(Sorry, I originally thought my original message had been deleted as I had posted

the message into the XR6T forum, then a couple of days later it had gone !!! I've

just realised that the moderator had moved it to this Chat forum instead!)

Richdave - yes, it'll be a 12 month novated finance lease.

Have decided on HgAg with premium sound, mats, flaps, tinted and towbar.

Team HgAg here I come !!

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  • I'm Back!! Thats right, long over due! :)
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That's good. Ummm, let's just say if it was an option to me, I would have taken it, hell yeah! Whooooossssh!!!!

Oh well, stuck with the N/A......Such is life! :thumbsup:

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