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Turbosmart Iwg75 & Over Boosting


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  • Moar Powar Babeh
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I don't see any personal attacks from my side? I've just asked you a couple of questions? I interested to know because perhaps I am wrong but I can't make that call without you clarifying what you believe is Incorrect about what I posted? 

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How many times do you think someone goes and gets an exhaust fitted on Saturday and then has "issues" with it overboosting and is at a workshop on Monday getting tuned but coupled with a port and flap job ???


this isn't our first rodeo champ and we can ride competently :tonguepoke:


give advice when you actually know an answer other wise it leads newbs up the garden path, we're here to actually help people with a reasonable amount of first hand experience and respect from others so just take a seat and learn something   

Edited by JETURBO
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  • Sandtrap Motorsport
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Lol boost spikes are like "freebies" ... why pay for a 15psi tune when a boost spike gets you to that level anyways

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  • Moar Powar Babeh
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15 minutes ago, mightbuyaford said:

Quoted by mistake. Can't delete on mobile. 




What's the alignment like on the actuator rod? I've found the ts iwgs need the bracket tweaked to correct the alignment. They have a nylon guide bush in the bottom that doesn't like too much misalignment and will cause additional drag on the rod. 

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That was the drama on the IWG that was originally fitted to my GTX, due to the way it had been mounted on a factory bracket the offset was causing boost issues

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12 hours ago, Ralph Wiggum said:



What's the alignment like on the actuator rod? I've found the ts iwgs need the bracket tweaked to correct the alignment. They have a nylon guide bush in the bottom that doesn't like too much misalignment and will cause additional drag on the rod. 

Hey Ralph, I believe the rod is aligned spot on. Though I didn't notice the nylon bush you mentioned.

I hooked up a air compressor to test it and from the limited view (fitted on the motor) I can see the rod move a little at each 1 psi of air that I let bleed to the actuator via the red manual boost controller. I don't use this boost controller on the xr6., only used it for testing the actuator.

The photo attached is how I tested it(on a old turbo) I'd already fitted the turbo back on the xr6 when I did its test.



12 hours ago, JETURBO said:
How many times do you think someone goes and gets an exhaust fitted on Saturday and then has "issues" with it overboosting and is at a workshop on Monday getting tuned but coupled with a port and flap job ???


I believe this is what the previous owner did. Him being a v8 man thought that fitting the big exhaust will work like his v8's. He said it just needed a tune but if since learnt that a tune won't bring the boost back down without further mods.
The busted standard leaking actuator certainly didn't help.




If I fit the 5psi Spring. Presuming that preload and alignment is correct.
I should see "crack open of the flap" at 5psi, then flap full open would be 10psi, on a happy system ?

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Yes the cracking pressure will be correct but how far open it is at what psi will be tune related 


now just to help out as it seems there is still a communication breakdown.

the HARDWARE on your car WILL NOT be able to support low boost applications EVEN with a TUNE/D. YOU NEED further HARDWARE modifications on the rear housing DIRECTED at the PORT and FLAP then coupled with a custom TUNE 


if that's to hard to understand just read the upper case words .....


This is exactly what I'm talking about, Bog stock BF XR6T that went on a Saturday to get a 4* dump 100cpi cat and a full custom 3.5* exhaust at the local exhaust shop just for a bit of sound, then couldn't work out why it kept "cutting" out. Exhaust place had NFI and he found us and we "quickly" diagnosed the issue


this is how it was running when it came in 




giving it the benefit of the doubt we tuned it with 100% initial gate to get it on boost then flipped it to 0% gate quickly and still couldn't maintain an "un rising" rate of boost control the only way to make a hole flow more air is to increase it's size ... Yeh ? Correct indeed and that's what we did with only a set of 60lb injectors,wog cooler,Turbosmart IWG 7psi actuator ( this cracks at 6.7psi BTW ) and the port and flap job. 


This was the result ( close enough to 10psi flat ) 




ok so what if you want to run high boost and deal with high boost ? Yes you could and I have but even then it was not ideal by any stretch and it did prove a point but the stock size port on a XR6T/F6 will flow in the mid a maximum of 22psi even with the actuator wide open at this point when the HARDWARE is flowing greater than the port ( hole size ) can bleed off 


here's what my car did like this 




do we understand yet ?

Edited by JETURBO
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  • Sandtrap Motorsport
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^ boom. Facts.

Shorter version:
Large turbo - low boost - big gate required.
Large turbo - high boost - can get away with smaller gate.

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