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What's Ford's Game With The New Xr8?

Pete A

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I've been holding out with the new car purchase 2 years longer than normal waiting for the Mustang and also looking at the XR8. I have a good and honest sales guy I've dealt with for 10 years and over many months now talking to him about what options I have to get back into a V8. There's emotion (as well and value for money etc) in considering the XR8, and the chance to own Mustang at a higher price is still there. In a discussion last week my "honest" sales guy said that XR8's are only on limited supply. Currently 1,500 only will be built, and already demand will see these disappear very quickly and most dealers will only get a small allocation of cars. They may decide to build more, but how would you ever know. There will be no such limit of supply on Mustang. It appears that Ford are planning XR8 supply numbers to exhaust in line with the arrival of the Mustang Q3 this year. So any thought of Ford selling XR8's and Mustang GT's side by side until 2016 when Falcon stops is total BS. So his word to me was if you want an XR8, get your order in real quick. He's know's I'll buy a Mustang already so why would he make that comment when he knows I probably won't buy one anyway? There seems an element of truth in what he says. I find it hard to believe that Ford would even consider limiting supply of the last ever V8 performance Ford built in Australia to 1500, or in fact any limit at all. It's likely I will buy a Mustang cos it's all I need now (2 door) but the XR8 is a very compelling package and a chance for people to pick up outstanding value performance sedan with space for a family and rocket like performance. Has anyone else heard of this limited supply?

If someone from Ford is monitoring this forum, please give us the facts about this issue.


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From what I have read and what media has reported, yes the XR8 will only be built in limited numbers due to production limitations such as the number they can actually build, limited supply of Boss 335 engines and ZF transmissions.

This has all been discussed in detail over on AF forums and confirmed by members who work at Ford. I think the actual number they will build is around 1500-1600 in total over 18 months.

This is also why some scum dealers are advertising auto XR8s for $75k, which is 10k over the drive-away RRP in all states. Nice kick in the balls for the faithful enthusiasts who were/are holding out to buy the last V8 Falcon.

Also roumer is the V8 Mustang will start at around $60k. Plus it looks like (specs have been confirmed by Ford AU) that Australia is getting a slightly detuned version of the 5.0 V8 compared to what will sell in the US.

Edited by XtRmn8
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Thanks. He also confirmed slightly less power as well. I agree that it is a kick in the nuts for us loyals. XR8 has a lot going for it, but having had an FG since 2008 I would have hoped for a bit more change to the interior. This is the biggest thing steering me towards Mustang. BTW he also said GT Stang will be closer to $70K

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LOL, you guys trying to second guess Ford.

Ford are probably worried about being able to get rid of the last 1500 cars!

Ford have always mis-read the market.

They could have cleaned up by selling an FGX XR6 310, but they mis-read that by a mile.

When they do get it right it's usually a fluke.

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  • Filthy weeb
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I was only half-kidding when I said this last August in the 'FH' Falcon thread:

It's gonna be hilarious when this thing is priced at $60k+ properly specced and everyone is up in arms over it.

Considering what they're supposed to be priced at and what dealers are holding them ransom for, bar ordering one direct from the factory you're not gonna find one for under $60k until some flogged, high-km ones finally emerge.

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