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Fit Bit Stuff

Mrs Jeturbo

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Bio oil....farking expensive though

Worst case get that surgery to pull your skin back into shape (c section styles on belly and cuts in pits to pull arms back in)...may as well whack some fake muscles in while there at it :P lol

But you might be surprised and won't be so bad when you're hench ;)

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Well I did a bit of reading around last night and ordered some stuff called Trilastin SR...supposed to be the most effective cream thingo against stretch marks. Hopefully that'll turn up before I fly back to work. Either way, had a 60 money back guarantee...so if it doesn't do sh*t then I can send it back and get my money back.

Oh and Pete, depending on what size clothes you are I've got a suit I've only worn once I'll sell ya cheap if ya interested?

Edited by .Stripes.
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  • Bob the Freaking Builder
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Bizkets is right

Honestly, there is some stuff out there but no one really gives two sh*ts about stretch marks

I wouldn't care less if a dude had em

U cannot make them go away because the skin has stretched and been made thinner which causes the texture and look appearance

When u get the skin and pinch it u can feel the variance in it as in the thicknesses of the skin

No cream is gonna fix that

As biz said it just bleaches it and changes the colour which happens over time on its own anyway

I have sum on the underside of my belly when I had hudo

Three months later they went white and blended in

U can see them if u look but I wouldn't give two sh*ts if I was wearing a bikini

Think about this

Hot as chick with killer body walking along the beach

U start chatting

Then as u inspect her abdomen or hips or wherever u see white stretch marks which u wouldn't have really noticed if u were looking directly at them

Would u not fhark her coz of it?

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^ hell no! And I appreciate it won't get rid of them, I know the skin's farked...but if this stuff at least minimises their appearance then that's all I want.

And it's more for myself than anyone else. I'm working super hard atm to improve my health and body to be the best me I can be, and having big purple stretch marks all over is *beep* and gays. Like I said, if this sh*t can help them fade into to white marks that you need to look for to see then I'll be stoked.

Also, given its my official weigh-in day for my break :)


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Doggy style. Cant see the marks then. Lol I have them on my guts and on my bicep areas.

Edit. Stripes get some sun rays and they will fade in colour.

Edited by Bizkets is fat?
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