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Fit Bit Stuff

Mrs Jeturbo

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100 meters waterproofing, sapphire screen, full metal body and band, compass, altimeter, barometer, body temp sensor, music controls, weather, full notifications with caller id and phone answer system, topographical maps with bread crumb trials, works with my fish finder and auto activities tracking I'm happy with my matte sticker thanks :)




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54 minutes ago, Never had any say Panda said:

Huawei is definitely more a dress watch. I wouldn't wear it while running. Lol.

Sent from my SM-N920I using Tapatalk

Change out the band and it would feel more like a sports watch. I wanted something more manly!! Seriously though yours is more minimal dress style while I was after more sports look with a bit more class then a plastic sports watch. I nearly went for the black W1 but the intergration with iOS is not good, plus wasn't sold on android wear. Nice though, feel nice to wear I bet?

Edited by Nitrofgxr6t
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On 25/2/2016 at 5:52 PM, Nitrofgxr6t said:

100 meters waterproofing, sapphire screen, full metal body and band, compass, altimeter, barometer, body temp sensor, music controls, weather, full notifications with caller id and phone answer system, topographical maps with bread crumb trials, works with my fish finder and auto activities tracking I'm happy with my matte sticker thanks :)




just stop please.......

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  • All stock bar the k&n panel filter
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So how's everyone's progress going? This is day 5 of my health/fitness retreat to Broome and so far I've been to the gym every day (4 sessions so far, about to head off for the 5th soon) and have been on the Optifast program the whole time and will be for the remainder of my time up here.

I'm doing about half hour or so of weights and then about the same cardio. Weights I'm following a program the physio at work setup for me that alternates between 3 different "pushing" routines, 3 different "pulling" (da har har) routines and then legs. So no real need to have a rest day as each muscle group effectively gets 2 days between each workout. Doing 3 sets of 8 reps.

When I left Perth last Wednesday I weighed 92.9kg, hoping to be mid-low 80's by the time I leave Broome after 3 weeks.

Also, don't wanna jinx it but my skin seems clearer after stopping the antidepressants I was on and things seem to be going well so far weaning off the Nexium (heartburn meds). Had one little bit of heartburn on the first day I went without the medication, but yesterday was the second day without it and didn't get any. So I'm quietly optimistic.

Edited by .Stripes.
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Good stuff! Without sounding all stalkerish, im following your progress on the Garmin website, you can clearly see the HR when you are doing weights compared to cardio. Keep up the hard work bro!


I had a slack weekend, didnt get my steps up due to the same problem Fluff has - pushing a pram doesnt register steps. But im hitting the gym for RPM tonight, another class is locked away tomorrow night, and bootcamp Wednesday. Im at 110kg, ill be happy if i can get down to 105.

Ive got my diet squared away, plenty of steamed veggies, steak, chicken etc all in the freezer just waiting to go down the hatch.

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  • Bob the Freaking Builder
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So I sent my vivo back in the post as my screen was blackening out as well... It was 10 days from the end of its warranty ... They just called and are sending me the new vivosmart HR wrist one ...

Good customer service

Even let me

Pick the colour

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