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Fit Bit Stuff

Mrs Jeturbo

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lol Im on my second Vivosmart, and my screen has just started mucking up. Looks like the screen is on a bit of an angle compared to the band, and very occasionally the LED display looses some pixels.

I am on my second one as well. Just got mine swapped over in November and it has been fine since, which is great.

Now my wife's one has started to do the same thing. She has had hers a lot longer than I have.

looks like the screen display is becoming a funnel. On the left you can see the full letter or number no worries. On the right, you can only see about a quarter of the number.

I tried to contact wildfire sports to get warranty and they palmed me off to Garmin as it is over a year old.

I contacted Garmin then and they said no worries. they will email me instructions on how to send it back for warranty.

New Fit Bit Blaze $330

As already mentioned, that looks like apple territory. What concerns me about these sort of watches, is the battery life. We had the Samsung fit equivalent or what ever it was and it only lasted a day if we were lucky. Any replacement that we will get for the vivosmart, will have to have at least 7 days worth of battery life. it will have to be waterproof as well.

GPS tracking will be handy as well. The bluetooth syncing issues needs to be sorted out or else.....

all of the data still loads up onto the app properly though?

On my wife's phone it loads all the data, assuming that Bluetooth actually works.

The Vivosmart has a hard time syncing with the Samsung S5. A Real PITA!!!!

I don't have so much problems with my One Plus one.

I think everyone has put on a few extra kilos during the holiday season, and why not. We all work hard, its not often we all get to sit around and eat like kings and drink during the festive season. Its called life, enjoy it!

But unfortunately its time to draw in our bad eating habits over the past few months, and get back on the horse and cart.

I know exactly what you mean. I Hit 98.4kg and not happy at all. I am 174cm so overweight is an understatement right now. OBESE rings a bell.

I was watching how much I ate during the festive season and I still put 4kgs on.

I should have just not given a f*ck and just ate all I wanted and I might not have put any weight on.

Well I signed up to the gym and hit the gym yesterday morning at 6am.

will be going again tomorrow morning and on Friday morning.

Time to get fit again. No diet on this side, just got to work of the damn calories.....

Edited by masda74
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I tried to contact wildfire sports to get warranty and they palmed me off to Garmin as it is over a year old.

I contacted Garmin then and they said no worries. they will email me instructions on how to send it back for warranty.

That's the problem with wildfire, not following ACL, garmin will look after you (and them) for 18 months for the vivosmart.

As already mentioned, that looks like apple territory. What concerns me about these sort of watches, is the battery life. We had the Samsung fit equivalent or what ever it was and it only lasted a day if we were lucky. Any replacement that we will get for the vivosmart, will have to have at least 7 days worth of battery life. it will have to be waterproof as well.

GPS tracking will be handy as well. The bluetooth syncing issues needs to be sorted out or else.....

As I stated earlier I use the Vivoactive, 50 mtrs waterproof, 4 weeks battery life and GPS. And unlike the Blaze and Apple Watch bands only cost $20 - $40 for replacement. $297 right now @ HN. If you can bargain them down to $270ish you got a great deal. (Cost)


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  • Bob the Freaking Builder
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Damn this bullchit weather and its ruining my enjoyable nightly walks

Left it as late as we could to go for our nightly 5kms

Just got home and it's still 32 degrees and 50% humidity

I feel like I just had a shower in my own sweat bleeeecccchhhhhh

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Well went to the gym for the third time this week and being in pain really is an understatement right now.

I know, I know..... NO PAIN NO GAIN, but I am going to the gym to get fit and loose some weight, not to loook like a body builder.

I am struggling at work just to keep up right.....


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  • Bob the Freaking Builder
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It's it's 70% humidity here today 80 this morning

Let's just say my pt session this morning was full of sweat and grossness lmao

Edited by Princess Whinginator
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you may as well move to Bali or Singapore then. Fark I hate traveling to Europe and stopping over in Singapore for that reason.

It is not the heat, but the humidity that kills me.

Then again, next month we will be in Bali for a week and I can't wait............

I need a break.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • Bob the Freaking Builder
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Well it's been exactly 1 month tomorow and I'm 9.2kg down so far.... 

Had a few cheat days and stuff in there too but u can't be strict every day I guess ... To celebrate treated myself to some new Nike gym gear today ... And I rekon in another 5kg I might treat myself to some new sneakers 

have holidays this week so I've got my Pt writing out a fitness program for the week while I'm away and doing a session Monday morning before we leave 


pretty happy with my progress and most importantly becoming a lot healthier 

we did an 11.5 river walk today not even an ounce is sweat even when I jogged for a bit lol 

feeling much healthier 

still a big challenge ahead but super happy so far :) 


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well done girl........keep it up :)


Have fun away guys

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  • 3 weeks later...
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How's everyone's progress going? Christmas, Japan and all the crap going on with the ex has seen me balloon out to 94kg as of this morning ?

Need to really get this under control! My plan so far is I've got 3 weeks in Broome booked to smash the Optifast and hit the gym at least once a day the whole time I'm up there. Planning to hit the Optifast hard this week up at work too and try squeeze in as much squash as I can. Want to get back down to the 78kg mark I got to mid last year as I was pretty happy at that point.

Actually went and bought another Vivosmart and chestHR bundles yesterday. I've been getting really lazy since not having one so I felt it would be good to start tracking everything again, which I'm hoping will help bump up my motivation and drive.

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