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Fit Bit Stuff

Mrs Jeturbo

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I dont like the straps or grip things they are uncomfortable. Hand strength is what I want. Im just doing a lot of hanging. Chin ups without the ups. Hands are getting stronger and I can hold longer then im doing it with one hand but trying to keep my body aiming forward not just hanging. Shoulder,forearm & hand strength are getting there. Nearly been doing it a year and some of the things I can do now I thought I could never do before.

So I guess my goals are train as hard as I can. If its not hurting the next day its not working. Shock the sh*t out of my muscles each week and always try to build. I have never been this dedicated to anything before and now I need to get my diet to follow suit. I was going really well but decided hay I can smash tge cans and junk food and stay at the same weight. Well not happy at 92 so im going to shoot for 80. Fark I should look ripped then but might have some loose skin which ill have to tone up.

So that's my goal. I want to hit 80 by the end of july (because dry july) and if I can I only have my self to blame for being a weak karnt.

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Use the straps for when your forearms are fatigued as this alone will hold the larger muscle growth back! I only ever had this problem with my lat pulldowns but if your forearm strength is lacking then wrist rolling is great for that and I can guarantee you'll know it! It's like biceps, majority of people fcking hate doing biceps but they are essential for the upper body to grow. I loved triceps so those were ok plus I had a large back for 5'11"...

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One more day left of my 12 weeks intensive phase of Optifast. Friday I'll post up proper before and after photos. It's been funny this week catching up with/running into a bunch of people I haven't seen in ages and they've all freaked out, stared at me weird wondering what happened haha. Saw one of my mates yesterday and he stared at me and was like "what'd you do to yourself?! Half of you's gone!". It's been a great feeling

While I'm in here, biz, how you going with the 30 ab challenge bud? I've been sticking to it so far, starting to get more interesting the last couple of days!

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Ok, 12 weeks Optifast intensive phase complete. Before I started Optifast I weighed 121kg at Christmas. I started Optifast mid March and weighed 115kg. This morning, at the end of the 12 weeks I weigh 80.5kg. So I've lost 34.5kg in the 12 weeks and 40.5kg overall since my heaviest.

Here's before and after photos.


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Farkin well done Dan! Makes me hate myself more lol

But crazy what 12 hardcore weeks can do (real life Biggest Loser there!)........how much daily walking/exercise did you do along with the optifast?

Edited by PTR_NITRO_FG
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Awesome work :)

Do you reckon you could send me a link to the program?

Cheers mate. This is the program I was on:


Time to hit the weights.

Started weights a couple weeks back now Biz. Less concerned about my actual weight now and more about building lean muscle and reducing bodyfat.

Farkin well done Dan! Makes me hate myself more lol

But crazy what 12 hardcore weeks can do (real life Biggest Loser there!)........how much daily walking/exercise did you do along with the optifast?

Cheers Pete! When I was up on site I was generally playing an hour to an hour and a half of squash every night. On break I tried to play maybe 2-3 times and went on the occasional run. Basically just smashed as much squash as I could (if you're having good rallies and pushing yourself you'll burn 1,000 calories an hour playing squash).

Wow! !

Amazing transformation! !

Those photos look like they belong in one of those extended TV commercials.

Cheers mate, been an intense 12 weeks and I've very much looking forward to having a steak with some mates tonight!

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